Page 95 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 95
When the Lord of the Temple rises, and locks the door those outside will come
and knock then say open to us. He will answer I do not know you depart from me
you workers of corruption.
I say to you that a great many will come from the east and from the west and set
down with Peter, James and John in the kingdom of God. False prophets,
shammers, phonies and pretenders will be cast out and the gate locked. There
will be crying and grinding of teeth because of anguish.
Whoever speaks a word against the Son of man will be forgiven. Whoever
speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven neither in this world nor in
the world to come.
Parable Sheep and Gate
I say to you. He who does not accede by the gate into the sheepfold but ascend
from another way is a pirate a buccaneer. He who ascends by the gate is the
guardian of the sheep. To him the gate keeper opens the gate and the sheep
heed the guardians’ voice and he receives his sheep by their names and takes
them away. When he leads his sheep away he goes before them. His sheep
follow him because they know the guardians voice. The sheep do not abide an
unknown but they break away from him because they do not know the imposter.
Parable the Gate
Jesus said to them again I say to you I am the gate of my followers. All who will
come after me are Pirates and Buccaneers. My followers will not heed them. I am
the gate if any man accedes by me he shall live. He shall come in and go away
and find grazing land. A Pirate does not come except to slip one’s mind stamp
out and bring down. I am the dependable guardian. A benevolent guardian risks
his life for the interest of his followers. I have taught them that they shall have
support and be clothed with the Holy Spirit. The employed person is neither the
guardian nor the proprietor of the sheep. When he sees, the barbarian coming
leaves the sheep and runs away. The barbarian comes to conquer and disperse
the sheep. The employed person runs away because he is employed and does
not care for the sheep. I am the dependable guardian. I acknowledge my own
my own acknowledge me. Just as my Father acknowledges me I acknowledge
my Father. I lay down my life for the interest of my followers. I have other
followers also which are coming. They will heed my voice and all my follower will
become one with one guardian. This is why my Father loves me because I lay
down my life so that I may take it up again. No man takes it away from me but I
lay it down of my own result. Therefore, I have the ability to lay it down and I
have the ability to take it up again. This command I accepted from my Father.