Page 91 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 91

entered Galilee. The servant of a Centurion was seriously sick, paralyzed and
                   suffering greatly. One who was very dear to him and he was near death. When
                   he heard about Jesus he sent to him Jewish elders who approached him and
                   appealed to him to come and heal the Centurion servant. They begged him
                   earnestly saying he is worthy to have this done for him. He loves our people and
                   has even built us a Synagogue. Jesus said to them I will come and heal. Jesus
                   went with them. When he was not far from the house, the Centurion sent some of
                   his friends to him and said my Lord, I am not good enough that you should enter
                   under the shadow of my roof. Do not trouble yourself. That is why I was not
                   worthy to come to you myself. Just say a word and my servant will be healed. I
                   am also a man in government service and there are soldiers under my command.
                   I say to this one go and he goes; to another come and he comes; to my servant
                   do this and he does it. When Jesus heard these things, he was amazed at him.
                   He turned to those who accompanied him and the people who followed him.
                   Then said I

                   say to you not even in Israel have I found such faith as this. I say to you that a
                   great many will come from the east; from the west and set down with Andrew,
                   Peter, James and John in the kingdom of God. Those who do not atone and
                   believe in the word of God will be put out in the outer darkness there shall be
                   weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Jesus said to those who were sent return to the
                   house of the Centurion. Let it be done to your servant according to your belief.
                   His servant was healed in that very hour. Those who were sent returned to the
                   house and found the servant who was sick healed.

                                         Canaanite Women’s Daughter Healed

                   Jesus and those who accompanied him went out from there and came to the
                   borders of Tyre and Sidon. They entered a house. He did not want anyone to
                   know about him yet he could not have any privacy.  A Canaanite woman who
                   had heard about him came from a distance to ask him to heal her daughter of
                   insanity. She was forbidden to enter the house. Crying aloud saying will you have
                   mercy on me oh my Lord son of David. My daughter is seriously afflicted with
                   insanity. His followers urged her to leave but she kept crying allowed. The
                   followers came up to Jesus saying a heathen woman from Phoenicia in Syria
                   keeps crying allowed helping her daughter. He did not answer them. His
                   followers came up to him and urged him saying dismiss her. She keeps crying
                   aloud after us. He answered and said to them I am not sent except to the sheep
                   which went astray. Allow her in and she came and fell at his feet and worshipped
                   him and said my Lord help me and heal my daughter of insanity. Jesus said to
                   her the children must be first be filled. It is not right to take the children’s bread
                   and throw it to the dogs. She said yes, my Lord even the dogs eat of the crumbs
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