Page 86 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 86
can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Above all be afraid of him who can
destroy both the body and soul in the everlasting fire.
Do not say that after four months comes the harvest? I say to you lift up your
eyes look at the fields which have turned white and have long been ready for the
harvest. He who reaps receives wages and gathers fruits to life everlasting so
that the Sower and the reaper may rejoice together. In this case, the saying is
true one sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you did not
labor. Others labored and you have entered into their labor.
Parable Marriage Feast
Jesus then spoke a parable and said, the kingdom of God is like a King who gave
a great marriage feast for his son. He sent out his followers at supper time to call
those who were invited to the marriage feast. He commanded them to say my
supper is made ready for you. My fatted ox has been killed and everything is
ready; come to the marriage feast. One and all they began to make excuse and
sneered at them. The first said to him I have bought some land I am forced to go
and see it. I beg you to pardon me for being called away. The next said I have
bought some cattle I am just going to examine them. I beg your pardon me for
being called away. Another said I have just taken a wife I cannot come. The rest
condemned his followers and oppressed them, injuring one and killed another.
The followers came and told the Lord of the Temple these things. The Lord of the
temple was angry. He sent out his army of angels and destroyed those
deceivers, imposter, and workers of iniquity they infiltrated the City. Then the
Lord said to his servant now the marriage feast is ready. Those who were invited
were unworthy. He said to his followers bring in the poor; the afflicted; the
maimed; the blind and the lame. Invite them to the marriage-feast. The followers
did as he commanded and then came and said my Lord it has been done as you
commanded. Yet there is more room. The Lord said to his followers go to the
highways and hedges separate the evil ones from the beneficial ones and urge
them to come in so that my house may be filled. I say to all of you that not one
worker of iniquity who were invited to atone and believe shall taste of my supper.
The followers went out to the roads and gathered together everyone they could
find. Separating the wicked from the righteous and urged them to come. The
wedding Temple was filled with gusts. When the Lord entered his house to see
the guests he saw there a man who was not wearing wedding garments. He said
to him my friend how did you enter here when you do not have wedding
garments? He was speechless. Then the Lord said to his holy angels, bind his
hands and feet then take him out into darkness. Come in and lock the gate.
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Many are called and few are
When Jesus finished commanding them he sent the seventy to teach in the
cities; two by two before his face to the place where he was to go.