Page 38 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 38


                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ch 03
                Experience Map

                Persona 1: Junaid Ahmed’s Travel Experience  Map                                                        Persona 2: Lauren Jank’s Travel Experience Map

                   Air Travel Phase             Experience                                     Emotions                     Air Travel Phase            Experience                                      Emotions

                   Online                       Frustrated to swap between                                                  Online                      Frustrated as she can not compare
                   Bookings                     different booking sites.                                                    Bookings                    prices properly and plan.

                   Packing &                    Confused on what to pack and                                                Packing &                   Is lost on how much she should
                   Documentations               what documentation is necessary.                                            Documentations              pack for a family tourist trip.

                   Airport Check-In             Anxious and scared about doing                                              Airport Check-In            Recalled the airport process from
                   & Security                   something wrong.                                                            & Security.                 previous travel so had no problems.

                   Airport                      Bored while waiting and worried                                             Airport                     Busy in looking after her kid and
                   Activities                   about his luggage.                                                          Activities                  luggage while waiting.

                   Airplane                     Enjoys the view from airplane and                                           Airplane                    Excited to finally visit Iceland and
                   Journey                      happy to finally be on the way.                                             Journey                     enjoy the family trip.

                   Arrive at                    Confused about the next steps                                               Arrive at                   Anxious about luggage collection
                   Destination                  and immigration.                                                            Destination                 and transport.

                   Post Travel                  Bought Sim and looked for his                                               Post Travel                 Reached hotel and happy to
                   Activities                   airport transport.                                                          Activities                  finally start exploring Iceland.

                   Destination                  Overwhelmed at arriving in a new                                            Destination                 Happy to arrive but also frustrated
                   Information                  country and culture.                                                        Information                 to track her plans on different apps.

                                                                                                                                                 Research & Design Project | Definition Phase
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