Page 41 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 41


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ch 04
                     Introduction & Potential Hypotheses

                     Introduction                                                     Potential Hypotheses to guide the ideation phase

                     Definition phase concluded with the                              A set of initial hypotheses were developed which are listed below:

                     synthesis of major user needs and

                     design opportunities. Emotional design                           1. I believe that incorporating air travel planning, organisation and information features within

                     theory was the main guiding principle                            AR/VR technology will result in an improved air travel experience for inexperienced travellers. I will

                     for design criteria. This development                            know I am right when user feedback shows improved user satisfaction.

                     phase          primarily          focused           on           2. I believe that creating an application that links experienced and inexperienced travellers together

                     streamlining the design opportunities                            in a buddy system will result in an improved air travel experience for inexperienced travellers. I will

                     and using them to guide the design                               know I am right when user feedback shows improved user satisfaction.

                     criteria. The criteria was used to ideate,                       3. I believe that providing travellers with top air travel interactions and pieces of information in a

                     through different techniques, a pool of                          single place will result in an improved air travel experience for inexperienced travellers. I will know I

                     possible solutions which was ultimately                          am right when user feedback shows improved user satisfaction.

                     narrowed down to a single refined                                4. I believe that an awareness campaign aimed at educating inexperienced travellers on air travel

                     solution hypothesis to be prototyped.                            facts and processes will result in an improved air travel experience for inexperienced travellers. I will

                                                                                      know I am right when user feedback shows improved user satisfaction.

                     The ideation was done in two stages;                             5. I believe that an air travel organisation and planning mobile/web application that encompasses

                     Stage 1 consisted of different ideation                          multiple air travel assistance and information features in a single place will result in an improved

                     methods to generate a list of possible                           air travel experience for inexperienced travellers. I will know I am right when user feedback shows

                     solutions  and  Stage  2  focuses  on  top                       improved user satisfaction.

                     three ideas while linking them with the

                     personas         to      reflect      upon       their           These hypotheses assisted in ideation process and gave space to the generation of further

                     effectiveness as a solution.                                     concepts or approaches that can cater to the problem at hand.

                     Research & Design Project | Ideation Phase
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