Page 44 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 44

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ch 04
                Ideation Stage 1 - Initial Ideation Process

           Question Brainstorming                                                  Crazy 8’s                                                                 Online Group / Pair Ideation Workshops

           First, a brainstorming exercise was done to                             Secondly, a crazy 8’s exercise was done to                               Thirdly, online ideation workshop were done

           write possible questions that need to be                                ideate possible ideas. It was used to generate                           where        the     researcher         paired-up          with

           answered while tagging them with visceral,                              diverse ideas and overcome possible mental                               participants as a pair and also as a group of 8

           behavioural and reflective categories. The                              blocks. The figure above shows the final Crazy                           to co-generate ideas for the projects. Figjam

           answers to these questions assisted in                                  8’s exercise result.                                                     board and Miro board was used to list down

           generating ideas and were vital in designing a                                                                                                   the possible solution ideas as post-it notes.

           complete empathic solution.

                                                                                                                                                  Research & Design Project | Ideation Phase
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