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OCTOBER 25, 2017 XX NO.9

              Village      News

      Big winnings

      from big catch                                                                                             Halloween, Tuesday Oct. 31

                                                                                                                 Trick or Treating
                                                                                                                 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.


                                                                                                                 apple butter

                                                                                                                 KAREN POOLE AND THE MAKING OF HER
                                                                                                                 FAMILY’S RECIPE.
                                                                                                                               Read more on page 6

                                                                                                                 Local girl
       RIVER.                                                                                                    crowned
       BY BRAIN CARTER                                                                                           homecoming

          Boater Richard Owen of          of water while he targeted rock jetties,   2nd: James Wall, Greensboro,   queen at WVU
       Chester, Virginia, caught a three-day   wood, and docks.              N.C., 15 bass, 40-7, $10,000.
       cumulative total of 15 bass weighing   “The fish were relating to anything   3rd: Ralph Ray, Youngsville, N.C.,
       40 pounds, 11 ounces, to win the T-H   that blocked the current. They were   15 bass, 39-10, $5,000.
       Marine Fishing League Worldwide    using rocks or docks as an ambush      4th: Chris Panetta, West Simsbury,
       Bass Fishing League Regional event   point,” said Owen. “With the steep   Conn., 14 bass, 39-7, $3,000.
       on the James River presented by Costa   banks and high water, they couldn’t   5th: Chris Daves, Spring Grove,
       Sunglasses. Owen earned $65,000    spread out too far. They were confined   Va., 15 bass, 39-4, $2,200.
       for his win, a new Ranger Z518C    to the main channel, which really      6th: Jackson Pleasant , Raleigh,
       boat with a 200-horsepower Evinrude   suited my style of fishing.”    N.C., 14 bass, 39-2, $1,900.
       outboard, and an automatic berth       Owen said he primarily used a      Rounding out the top-10 boaters
       into the 2018 BFL All-American     four-inch watermelon and blue-fleck-  were:
       Championship.                      colored Zoom Dead Ringer worm on a      7th: Jason Wilson, Lincolnton,
          “The win is still sinking in – I   six-foot Berkley Lightning Rod.  N.C., 15 bass, 38-11, $1,600.
       can’t believe it,” said Owen, who      “I worked through the area slowly,    8th: Craig Chambers, Charlotte,
       earned his second career win in bass   which was key for me,” said Owen. “I   N.C., 15 bass, 38-8, $1,400.
       competition.  “The James River is   prefer to pick apart an area rather than    9th: Tim Teague, Belmont, N.C.,
       my home waters. I’ve waited years to   cover a ton of water. It really worked   15 bass, 37-4, $2,200.
       qualify for a BFL Regional tournament  out well.”                         10th: Robert Stinger,
       on it.”                                The top six boaters who qualified   Williamsburg, Va., 15 bass, 36-0,
          Owen said he fished a small area   for the 2018 BFL All-American, were:  $1,000.                       MORGAN CUNNINGHAM AND WVU
       upriver near Richmond throughout the   1st: Richard Owen, Chester, Va.,   Complete results can be found at   PRESIDENT GORDON GEE DURING HALF-
       weekend. He sat his boat in 8-10 feet   15 bass, 40-11, $65,000.                     TIME CEREMONIES.
                                                                                                                               Read more on page 4
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