Page 18 - July Impression
P. 18
A Framework for Communication
The Johns Hopkins brand evokes an expectation While it would seem that the patient’s
of world-class healthcare. As caregivers, we have expectations might be lofty, the reality is that
a moral obligation to do our very best to not they are often modest. Most patient
only meet but exceed the expectations of our expectations are simply to be treated with
patients and their families every time. Our dignity and respect, to be heard and to have
ability to address the expectations of the patient their concerns taken seriously.
and their family members will help shape the A simple but effective way to address these
patient’s overall experience.
expectations and help positively shape a
Since organizations began emphasizing the patient’s experience is through communication.
patient experience, some have questioned why In 2017, Lisa Allen, chief patient experience
the patient experience is important when officer for Johns Hopkins Medicine, introduced
patient outcomes should be the main concern. the communication model using the acronym
Research has shown that patient experience CPR. Not to be confused with cardiopulmonary
positively correlates with the disease prevention resuscitation, the CPR acronym in the patient
and management while also leading to better experience context means Connect, Partner,
patient outcomes. For example, studies of Reflect. This simple acronym is a framework for
patients hospitalized for heart attack showed staff to communicate with patients and their
that patients with more positive reports about families as well as with each other. When used
their experiences with care had better health effectively, this tool can help reduce patient
outcomes a year after discharge. anxiety while increasing patient compliance.