Page 236 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 236

Thorn In The Heart

         the land to be a farm, equal right in the society to live for the
         people, then set up the young people into the war. He opened an
         actual  organization  for  the  struggle  of  independence  to  attract
         the Vietnam National groups of the underground movement.

             Parallel with the Communist party the Vietnamese National
         groups went ahead along in struggle for country independence
         without having a precise future program. They had stuck on the
         conducting fundamental and reunify until Vietnam Communist
         party’s agents killed the most their leaders, or informed them to
         the enemy in secret.

             It  was  the  blood  of  the  opposing  themselves  between
         Vietnamese  parties,  made  Vietnam  inter  force  worse  for  the
         outer enemy, and the  Vietnam war had the  reason to continue
         with the disaster.

             In  early  1947,  French  politicians  in  Paris  understood
         Vietnam  communist  party  got  the  support  warfare  from
         Communist  Soviet,  China  and  was  rapidly  growing  to  be  the
         strong  force  by  the  poor  people.  They  bought  King  Bao-Dai
         back  in  Vietnam  to  persuade  him  as  a  head  of  the  French-
         protected government to stable the public regard for the political
         changing  in  the  world.    June  5,  1948,  France  recognized
         Vietnam  independent  in  the  French  Union  states  with  hope  to
         regain the support of the Nationalist.

             Bao-Dai’s  government  was  the  puppet  for  De  Gaulle’s
         cabinet,  they used him as a folding screen to dominate Vietnam
         and opened the war in Vietnam by the United Stated financing.
         It  made  the  people  falling  to  confuse  for  the  principle  of
         independence  and  struggled  to  live  among  the  communism,
         Nationalism, and cruel French rules.

             Vietminh  took  an  opportunity  on  the  mistakes  of  the
         Vietnam fictitious independence under French dominated rules.
         They opened the large scale of tactical psychological warfare in

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