Page 42 - manual_V5_11_9_2018_Html5
P. 42

Figure 4-9: Elevation sub-menu (for Zone conceptual features).
               The ‘Partial Penetration’ options for the Top Elevation and Bottom Elevation (‘Bot Elevation’) allow zone
               features to partially penetrate a prescribed thickness of the aquifer .  For example, users may wish to restrict
               a contaminant source to the topmost portion of the aquifer system (see Figure 4-10), or insert a “clay lens”
               of lower hydraulic conductivity at some locations in the subsurface.
               Check  the  radio  box(es)  next  to  ‘Top  Elevation’  and/or  ‘Bot  Elevation:’  to  apply  partial  penetration
               elevation extents for the top and bottom elevation of the zone feature, respectively. The default values of
               ‘99999’ mean that the elevation will be extracted from the domain-wide elevation inputs. Enter different

               Figure 4-10: Example Cross-section results (see Section 5.4) of using and not using Partial Penetration for a zone
               feature in MAGNET. When partial penetration is not used, the solute source is distributed throughout the aquifer
               system  (i.e.,  across  all  computational  layers.  When  it  is  used,  the  solute  source  is  restricted  to  the  topmost
               computational layer.

               8  Partial penetration only applies when multiple (vertical) sub-layers are used (see Section 3.2).
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