Page 40 - manual_V5_11_9_2018_Html5
P. 40

•  When drawing a rectangle, indicate the position of the first vertex with a single LM click in the
                       MDWA, and indicate the position of the vertex diagonal from the initial vertex with another single
                       LM click .
                   •  When drawing a polygon, single-click the LM button to define the vertices of the polygon that will
                       define the zone extent.

               The zone will appear in with circles at the vertex locations (see Figure 4-8). The location can of any vertex
               can be changed by hovering the mouse over it and click-dragging to the new desired location
               Hover the cursor over the circles at vertex locations and line segment mid-points to enable node editing
               capabilities.  Click-drag a node to adjust the size or shape of the model domain.  After any change is made,
               an ‘un-do’ button ( ) will appear next to the last node that was edited. Click on   to return to the previous
               node position. Note changes can only go back one node-edit in the current version of MAGNET.

               Once the last vertex has been placed, LM click the ‘SaveShape’ button to finalize the zone.  This will launch
               the  Zone  Attributes  menu  (see  Figure  4-8).    This  menu  consists  of  6  sub-menus:  ‘Flow  Property’;
               ‘Elevation’; ‘ Transport Property’’; ‘Biochemical’; ‘Sources and Sinks Head Dependent’; and ‘Sources and
               Sinks Prescribed’. The following subsection provide more details on each sub-menu
               If the zone needs to be discarded, LM click the ‘Delete’ tab to close the Zone Attributes menu and remove
               the zone feature from the MDWA.

               Figure 4-8: Zone feature added to the model domain and the Zone Attributes menu.

               4.2.1             Flow Property Attributes

               6  Allow for a brief period of time (i.e., at least 2-3 seconds) between LM clicks. Otherwise, the locations of the
               vertices may not be consistent with what is desired.
               7  Any vertex location can also be updated after finalizing the zone.
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