Page 35 - manual_V5_11_9_2018_Html5
P. 35
Figure 4-3: Edit Polyline Attributes sub-menu for assigning unique head values at different vertex locations. Default
values/options are shown.
Transient head from a T File. This feature is not available in the
current version of MAGNET.
4.1.2 Head-Dependent Flux Options
Two-way or one-way head-dependent flux boundary
conditions may be applied for polyline features. One-way
head dependent flux allows water to leave the aquifer
system in the case that the hydraulic head exceeds the top
aquifer elevation, but water may not enter the aquifer system (e.g., surface seepage to a drain or ditch).
“Two-way” allows for water to enter or leave the aquifer system depending on the direction of the head
gradient between the surface water stage and the aquifer head.
Two-way head-dependent flux. Select the radio button next to ‘Two way’ in the Head Dependent option
box to apply two-way head-dependent flux boundary conditions. LM click the ‘>>more’ link to open the
Edit Polyline Attributes sub-menu (see Figure 4-4). By default, the stage along the polyline is equal to the
aquifer top elevation, as indicated by the checked box next to ’Stage = TopE minus’ and the value of 0 in
the corresponding text-box shown in Figure 4-4. An offset may be applied by entering a non-zero number
in the text box.
If the stage is known at each vertex location, the user can edit the stage value (in meters) by LM clicking
anywhere within a cell in the Stage(m) column (note that each row corresponds to a different VertexID).