Page 34 - manual_V5_11_9_2018_Html5
P. 34
Figure 4-2: Sub-menu for editing Transient prescribed head data.
Spatially-variable prescribed head. Multiple options are available if a spatially-variable prescribed head is
desired. First, one may select the radio button next to ‘Equal to Y (e.g., Water Table) to assign a head value
equal to the water table elevation at each point along the polyline.
Another option is to select the radio button next to ‘Variable’ option from the Prescribed-Head option box,
then LM click the ‘>>more’ link to open the Edit Polyline Attributes sub-menu (see Figure 4-3). This sub-
menu provides information on the Vertex ID (VertexID) and the longitude and latitude coordinates
(Long(degree) and Lat(degree), respectively).
By default, the head value at each location is: the top aquifer elevation, as indicated by the checked box
next to ’Head = TopE minus’ and the value of 0 in the corresponding text-box shown in Figure 4-3. An
offset may be applied by entering a non-zero number in the text box. If the head is known at each vertex
location, the user can edit the head value (in meters) by LM clicking anywhere within a cell in the Head(m)
column (note that each row corresponds to a different VertexID). After all cells have been updated, uncheck
the box next to ’Head = TopE minus’.
After all desired changes have been made, LM click the ‘Save and Exit’ button. Or click ‘Cancel and Exit’
to discard all changes.