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P. 89
Factor III: People
Cluster G: Building collaborative relationships
Competency 9: Manages conflict
9. Manages conflict
Handling conflict situations effectively, with a minimum of noise.
Conflict is a natural part of organizational life. Organizations are made up of diverse people with differing
opinions and competing interests, making conflict inevitable. There is conflict over information, resources,
opinions, territory, position. If it’s important to someone, it has the potential to cause conflict. Handled
badly, conflict can entrench. Disrupt productivity. Damage relationships. But conflict isn’t always a bad
thing. Conflict surfaces previous undiscussables. Highlights not just the disconnects but also the
intersection of ideas. Managed well, conflict provides a forum for finding better alternatives, even
breakthroughs, in building relationships and solving problems. But only when the people involved treat
each other constructively and respectfully. When you manage conflict effectively, you begin to see
conflicts less as headaches and more as opportunities. Issues get resolved. Collaboration improves.
Solution focus replaces negativity and recrimination. Things progress in a positive direction.
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
Albert Einstein – German-born Nobel Prize-winning physicist
Manages conflict is in the People factor (III) in the Korn Ferry Leadership Architect™. It is part
of Cluster G, Building collaborative relationships, along with Collaborates (6), Interpersonal
savvy (20), and Builds networks (21). You may find it helpful to also take a look at some of the
tips included in those chapters to supplement your learning.
Steps up to conflicts, seeing them as opportunities.
Works out tough agreements and settles disputes equitably.
Facilitates breakthroughs by integrating diverse views and finding common ground or
acceptable alternatives.
Settles differences in productive ways with minimum noise.
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