Page 30 - Hive 28 March 2019
P. 30


                                       “I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole
                                       of the Lorne Stewart FM Team in Plymouth, Bristol,
                                       Oxford, Southampton and Swindon...

          Without their extremely high level of support and integrity, it would not be   BAFE FIRE SAFETY REGISTER  Fully compliant BS 5839 Part
          possible to convert many of the key contract opportunities and allow our   The South West’s Fire Department   1:2017 system. Third party
          business unit to enjoy continued high level of client retentions year on year.  which supports the mobile   accreditation is the way
                                                                 contracts, has recently had a BAFE   forward and clients should be
          As the South West Facilities Maintenance team progress through 2019,   Audit whereby we have received   looking for BAFE accredited
          we share with all our colleagues our enthusiasm and excitement regarding   great feedback from the auditor;   installers to give them
          the newly converted opportunities secured in the Manufacturing, Local           confidence in their Fire Alarm
          Authorities and Public Sectors in late 2018. We look forward to capitalising   “Just completed another   installation.” Paul Turner, Certsure
          on these long term awards throughout the year.         successful audit for Lorne   BAFE Scheme Assessor
                                                                 Stewart in Plymouth against
          Our approach and strategy to focus on opportunities within Manufacturing,   the BAFE SP203-1 scheme.
          Local Authorities and NHS Partnerships continues with strength, conviction   The standard of installation
          with confidence in 2019. Based upon our recent successes, it provides   at the school was very good
          us with a strong and sustainable client base to expand our mobile facility   – especially as it has been
          operations across the Region.”                         installed while the staff and
                                                                 pupils have been there as well.
                                                                Before          During            After
          Nick Smith
          Operations Director, South West
          Lorne Stewart Facilities

           1                                  2                                  3

          1. TE CONNECTIVITY        The client’s connectivity and sensor   stay at the Airport for a further two   West and ensures a critical mass of
          The Bristol team at Lorne Stewart   solutions are essential in today’s   years where, Lorne Stewart Facilities   self-delivered TFM solutions across
          Facilities Services are extremely   increasingly connected world and on   continue to provide 24/7 mechanical   the peninsula.
          proud to have recently been awarded   site collaboration of their engineers   and electrical reactive repairs for
          a Facilities Maintenance Contract   transform remarkable concepts into   this key South West transport link.   CARE HOME IN BRISTOL
          supporting TE Connectivity in Swindon   unique creations, redefining what’s   This award is a true testament to   The project is well underway at a
          through our client`s confidence in our   possible using intelligent, efficient   our management, engineering and   Care Home in Bristol with Lorne
          ability to deliver and enhance their   and high performing TE products   administration teams in the region.  Stewart Facilities direct employed
          on-site facility.         and solutions proven in harsh                         team, whereby to date, the projects
                                    environments.              3. CORNWALL COUNCIL TFM    team have installed three Remeha
          This multi-manned residential LSFM                   Another key contract renewal   Quinta Pro 65kw boilers in the boiler
          site located in Swindon has now been   2. EXETER INTERNATIONAL   commenced in April 2018 for the   plant room.
          mobilised under the Lorne Stewart FM   AIRPORT       Lorne Stewart Facilities team as our
          banner where a diverse range of Hard   The Plymouth team at Lorne   business continues to support one   The project commenced in late
          FM maintenance and repair solutions   Stewart Facilities Services have,   of the largest Councils in England,   September and was completed in
          are delivered under a real-time, fully   through delivering engineering   providing a 24/7/365 total hard   early December 2018, allowing all
          paperless CAFM System (iMS).   excellence with their comprehensive   facilities service under a self-delivered   43 flats to enjoy a full complement
                                    understanding of operating within a   ethos for a renewed period of four   of heating and hot water for the
          This site, formerly Tyco Electronics, is   working Airport environment since   years. Again this retention is key to this  festive season.
          a $12 billion global technology leader.   2010, successfully extended our   business unit’s footprint in the South
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