Page 4 - Doctoral Academy Level 1 Programme-2023
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Summary of The Doctoral Academy Level 1 Training Programme
Doctoral Date (TBC) Presentation Topic(s) Presenter(s)
1. 24/03/2023 Introduction to the Doctoral Academy 2023 TBA
UNAM and FHSVM postgraduate processes flow
2. 31/03/2023 How to choose a research topic and prepare a TBA
research proposal for a higher degree
3. 14/04/2023 Creating a golden thread in research: Framing and TBA
linking objectives, questions and hypothesis
4. 21/04/2023 Literature Review: Different approaches and using TBA
objectives to create a literature review
5. 28/04/2023 Library Services for Doctoral and Masters students TBA
Where and how to search, screen and create a
literature review
6. 12/05/2023 The fundamental principles of research ethics TBA
Unam research ethics processes
7. 19/05/2023 Using paradigm, Theories, Conceptual frameworks TBA
and Philosophical Assumptions in Research
8. 26/05/2023 Quantitative designs and their application in health TBA
sciences research
9. 02/06/2023 Qualitative designs and their application in health TBA
sciences research
10. 09/06/2023 A snippet into mixed methods designs in health TBA
sciences research
11. 21/07/2023 Sampling methods – the link to the research design TBA
and objectives
12. 28/07/2023 Sample size and power calculation – when and how TBA
to apply formulas
13. 04/08/2023 Instrument selection and data collection methods in TBA
14. 18/08/2023 Introduction to quantitative data analysis and TBA
15. 25/08/2023 Introduction to qualitative data analysis and TBA
16. 01/09/2023 Introduction to mixed methods data analysis and TBA