Page 9 - Doctoral Academy Level 1 Programme-2023
P. 9


               The fundamental principles of research ethics

               Purpose: The purpose  of this presentation  is  to provide postgraduate students  and early career
               researchers with an understanding of the fundamental principles of research ethics. By the end of the

               presentation, participants  should  have  a clear understanding of  the ethical principles  that underpin
               research, and the key considerations when conducting research with human subjects.

               Learning Outcomes: By the end of this presentation, participants should be able to:

                   1.  Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of research ethics in maintaining the integrity

                       of research and protecting the rights of research participants.
                   2.  Identify  the key ethical  principles that  guide research, including respect  for persons,
                       beneficence, and justice.

                   3.  Demonstrate understanding of  the role of institutional  review boards  (IRBs) or  ethics
                       committees in the review and approval of research involving human subjects.

                   4.  Identify the types of research that require ethical review, such as research with vulnerable
                       populations or research involving sensitive topics.
                   5.  Demonstrate  an  understanding  of  the process of obtaining informed consent from research

                       participants, and the requirements for informed consent.
                   6.  Identify the strategies for ensuring  the  confidentiality and privacy of research participants,
                       including data security and anonymity.

                   7.  Demonstrate an understanding of the risks and benefits of research participation, and how to
                       minimize risks and maximize benefits for research participants.
                   8.  Identify the ethical issues that may arise during research, and the strategies for addressing them,

                       such as conflicts of interest or breaches of confidentiality.

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