Page 19 - FY21_LawsonAcademy_FacultyHandbook
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Level 4: Most serious disciplinary infractions which may include involvement of local or state
A Level 4 infraction such as gang related behavior, weapon (s) or drugs on campus. A Level 4
disciplinary infraction may result in a student being expelled from the school setting. The school
expulsion process will involve a formal hearing before an assigned administrative panel.
Disciplinary Referrals
Teachers should handle those discipline problems with student(s) that can be managed within the
classroom prior to referring the student to the principal’s office for disciplinary actions. As part
of the discipline referral process, an Incident Report/Discipline Referral Form must be
completed first (Exhibit G).
The Lawson Academy has a "No Tolerance Policy" for certain infractions.
• extreme physical aggression
• carrying, displaying, using, or threatening anyone with a weapon--gun, knife, or chemical
• sexual harassment
• bullying
• cyberbullying
• possession or use of illegal drugs on or near the school campus
This means in the event of a violation of any one of the acts, the student(s) involved shall be
referred for disciplinary action up to the automatic removal from school.
It is important that teachers use sound professional judgment regarding lesser infractions when
dealing with student discipline issues. It is advised that teachers work as a team to first identify
possible solutions to discipline problems. Brainstorm possible solutions to discipline problems
with teammates. If positive student outcomes are not observed, discuss the problem with the
administration who not only can give other strategies, but also will become apprised of a possible
referral. Positive behavior strategies should be used and a ratio of 3 positives to 1 negative used
at all times.
Dispute Resolution Policy
To provide a fair and efficient procedure to facilitate the resolution of disputes and to preserve the
integrity of The Lawson Academy, the following guidelines have been established.
A “dispute” may include any disagreement or conflict between individuals or with the policies of
The Lawson Academy or any disagreement with actions or decisions of administration.
A student who has a dispute with another student or with a teacher has the following options:
• Resolve the dispute in an amicable manner with the other person;
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