Page 56 - FY21_LawsonAcademy_FacultyHandbook
P. 56
• Provides students with a consistent example of how to plan and organize the lesson
• Supports to increase student achievement
Sick Leave
Employees may accrue up to a maximum of six (6) days of Sick Leave in a fiscal year (September
1-August 31). Sick Leave is accrued at the rate of ½ day per month. Sick Leave does not carry
over from one fiscal year to the next. A Lawson Academy employee whose employment
terminates will not be paid for unused accrued Sick Leave days.
Each grade level/team should collaborately create substitute folders. The substitute folder is due
to the campus principal no later than the second week of school. Updated materials are to be added
every nine-week period.
The substitute folder should contain the following tabs:
▪ Daily Schedule
▪ Class roll indicating special considerations for students (programs, behavior/helpful
assistants, medication, etc.)
▪ Seating Chart
▪ Directions for taking Attendance
▪ Behavior Expectations
▪ Emergency Lesson Plans for 3 days
▪ Assignments for each class period that will last the entire class period
If you become ill at home or decide that you cannot report to work for some reason, contact the
administrator as soon as possible so that substitute arrangements can be made.
Time Sheets
All employees are required to sign in and out to document their presence each day. These records
will be maintained to document and support payroll disbursements and docks. Time sheets should
be maintained on hourly employees to document their gross pay.
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