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P. 59
UCU GS Research Journal
The perceived ICT competency of elementary teachers in Binalonan Disrict I, Binalonan,
Pangasinan along with the NICTS domains which include: Technology Operations and Concepts
Domain, Social and Ethical Domain, Pedagogical Domain, and Professional Domain was the
focus of the study. Specifically, it explored the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, civil
status, age, educational attainment, length of service, teaching position, and number of relevant
ICT trainings and seminars attended for the last five years. The instructional performance of
the elementary teachers along the following domains: Classroom management, Utilization of
21st Century Approaches and Instructional Material/Devices, Assessment and Professional
Advancement was also determined. Significant relationship among variables was also studied.
More than three-fourth of the respondents were females. In terms of civil status,
majority were married. With regard to age, more than one-fourth belongs to age bracket of 31
to 39 years old, one-fourth belongs to 40 to 48 years old bracket. On educational attainment,
more than half of the respondents earned MS/MA units, more than one-fourth were BS degree
holders and less than 10% were MA/MS degree and EdD units. In terms of length of service,
nearly half had been in the service for less than 10 years, while only one had been teaching for
more than 31 years. The remaining half of them had been teaching from 11-20 years and 21-30
years. With regard to teaching position, almost all of the respondents were occupying Teacher I,
Teacher II and Teacher III ranks. In terms of the number of relevant ICT trainings and seminars
attended in the last five years, almost all of the respondents have not attended be in the district,
division, regional, national and international level.
The grand weighted mean for ICT competency is 3.06 described as intermediate.
Respondents’ ICT level on technology and operations and concepts domain had advanced level as
revealed in the grand weighted mean of 3.40. With regard to Social and Ethical Domain, the grand
weighed mean is 3.14. described as intermediate. The grand weighted mean for respondents’
ICT Competency in pedagogical domain is equivalent to 2.89 described as intermediate. On the
professional domain, respondents have intermediate competency level. The overall weighted
mean on teachers’ instructional performance is 3.87 described as very satisfactory. There was no
significant relationship between respondents’ socio-demographic profile and ICT competencies
except for Technology and Operations Concepts and Number of Relevant ICT Trainings or
Seminars Attended in the last five years specifically on the international level. No significant
relationship between respondents’ instructional performance and socio-demographic profile.
Likewise, no significant relationship between ICT competencies and instructional performance
was established.