Page 29 - Employee Handbook - China
P. 29


       Your duties are detailed in your job description and will be fully explained to
       you when you commence employment. Because of the changing nature of the
       business, your duties and responsibilities will inevitably vary and evolve.


           TEAM BUDDY  speed at which new recruits            training programme which will incorporate
               Having a “buddy” at work can
               make a huge difference to the

               manage to settle into the role,
               the department and the
                                                                   All new staff will receive an induction
               organisation. Each new starter
               will be paired with a team buddy
                                                               a series of meetings during their first few
               who will be responsible to
                                                                    weeks. The purpose of the Induction
               provide information and informal
                                                                 Programme is to ensure new staff gain a
                                                              clear understanding of the various parts of
                                                                         the business, and how different
                                                                  departments within the Group interact
                                                                                       with one another.
      MANAGING &


      New staff are appraised by their Line Manager every 3 months during their first year.
      The performance review meeting is an opportunity to assess past performance, and identify
      future responsibilities/activities by setting new or adjusting objectives. It is also the time
      to agree a training and development plan for the following 6 - 12 months.

                                                           MENTORING SCHEME

      SKILLS BOOKLETS                                      MMR offer an internal mentoring
                                                           program which covers three key areas;
                                                           One-to-one for career development,
      Skills Booklets are competency                       peer to peer and goal orientated. All
      frameworks that highlight the core                   employees may request to take part in
      behaviours, skills and competencies                  this scheme, as a mentor or mentee,
      expected of staff at each level in each              which is to be agreed by their line
      department. New employees will be                    manager. Mentors and mentees will be
      issued with a Skills Booklet which will help         matched by HR, who will also set
      them benchmark performance and                       program goals, monitor progress and
      identify training and development needs.
                                                           provide training opportunities as

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