Page 3 - Voces de Nariño Café Especial de Nariño
P. 3
Fotos / Photos: Luis Guillermo Salcedo
Coffee, a Culture
that Identifies
our Country
Foto / Photo: Edwin Ferney Narváez Suárez
n the present and previous edition, After several decades of positioning In the case of coffee, where one cup 2. To establish an economy of scale that
exceptional conditions and characte- the coffee in world markets, our producer can cost in Denmark US $ 5.33, in Ice- favors the prices of inputs, which are
Iristics of the coffee sector in the de- is experiencing the difficulties imposed land US $ 5.16, in Qatar US $ 4.97, in required for the production.
partment of Nariño are presented, be- by the market; very different from what Norway US $ 4.94, in Sweden US $ 4.28,
nefits that have positioned this product should be happening, the coffee farmers in the US $ 4, The Colombian peasant is 3. A better use of the inputs required for
as one of the best special coffees in the are impoverished. Apart from the many paid 0.95 cents per pound of coffee pro- the nutrition of crops.
world market due to its organoleptic con- explanations that can be given to this duced, when producing it costs between
ditions. The different social organizations sector crisis, the truth is that who tills the US $ 1.40 and US $ 1.60. 4. To promote efficiency in the harvest
that make up this sector, some of which land, who has to buy the required inputs, Did you know that one pound of coffee process.
we have been introduced in these edi- who has to endure the inclemencies of can produce 50 to 70 cups of coffee?
tions, have a common denominator: to climate change, who has to take care of Besides, that Colombian coffee counts, 5. To strengthen and innovate in the ma-
favor the quality of life of the coffee pro- every day their bushes to obtain an ac- and is it verified by its denomination of chinery that is required in the post har-
duction primary sector, our peasants. ceptable harvest, who has to go into bank origin, as one of the best coffees in the vest.
debt and extra banking debt, does not re- world? That is to say, a pound of coffee
ceive financially the fruit of his effort. This can produce a gross income of 600,000 6. To establish goals that allow the in-
reality, under all unjust points of view, COP, which includes transportation, crease of coffee consumption in Co-
generates restlessness, uncertainty and insurance, advertising, customs, fre- lombia, passing, at least, from 1.8 to 4
insecurity in the productive sector and ight, packaging, among other aspects. kilos per person per year.
particularly, in the peasant families of the The raw material should guarantee the
country, who currently lack a dignified product a fair price that meets the real 7. To take advantage of the by-products
quality of life. needs of the coffee farmer. A price that generated in the industrialization of the
This situation, which is extraneous allows generating a social and economic grain.
to the peasant sector, leads to the dis- dynamic that favors the social fabric of
mantling of rural and urban areas of our the peasant communities. 8. To strengthen the production of spe-
country and the different coffee produ- While the government has generated cial coffees in Colombia, to boost the
cing countries in the world, with conse- different incentives to minimize the crisis, commercialization of differentiated
quences as serious as the migration from this requires structural outputs that allow products.
the countryside to the cities, generating short, medium and long term, root out the
circles of misery and possible effects of great coffee crisis, where there is equal 9. To set a greater integral accompani-
depopulation of the field. participation in the profits of all compo- ment to the producer.
What is going on? The real problem of nents of the chain of the coffee value.
the agricultural production sector is the This requires a global agreement to save Definitely an exciting topic that conti-
same; within the total chain of agricultural the field of misery in which it is currently. nues to build a country. Under no point
products, the main actor is not included: Additionally, thinking about a structural of view can we allow the coffee culture to
the farmer. solution to the coffee crisis, it requires, disappear.
The market economy shows who pro- among other aspects:
duces, who buys and who sells, we all
want and must win, but in an equitable 1. To generate a gradual increase in pro-
and fair way where there is a system of ductivity based on applied research.
shared value.
Foto / Photo: Edwin Ferney Narváez Suárez