Page 5 - Voces de Nariño Café Especial de Nariño
P. 5


       Es la calidad de la gente, el ingrediente singular del Café de Nariño.  En medio del Café, porque es parte de la familia.
          It is people´s quality the singular ingredient of the Nariño Coffee.  In the middle of Coffee since it is part of the family.


                                                   Sustainability in Alliance

                                              with Friendly and Supportive Markets

                                               n 2011, through Resolution No. 06093   ty on a daily basis, without interruption, in  that is materialized through triple as-
                                               of February 11th, the Superintenden-  their small and medium-sized farms; this  surance: exceptional sensory quality
                                             Ice of Industry and Commerce recog-  with the purpose of reconfirming the sen-  of their product, verified economic
                                             nized Nariño’s coffee as the first Deno-  sory virtues of their product, which are  responsibility and social and clear
                                             mination of Origin of Regional coffee   desired in the international market and  environmental leadership.
                                             in Colombia and said: “Appellations of   worthy of repeated and generous praise   The 23,000 coffee families of nor-
                                             Origin are a privilege enjoyed by those   from those who have the opportunity to  thern Nariño (although due to the
                                             products, usually agricultural, whose   be delighted by them.            prolonged crisis of its price worldwi-
                                             qualities  and  reputation  are  associated   They know and insist that producing  de and in Colombia) are looking for
                                             with their place of origin.          differentiated coffees  taking  advantage  friendly and supportive markets to
                                               In addition to the unique charac-  of human and agroecological compa-  ensure that the first link in the produc-
                                             teristics derived from natural factors   rative advantages are competitive stra-  tion chain is approached with motiva-
                                             such as climate and soils; with DOs,   tegies that must be consolidated; they  tion, well-being and continuity for this
                                             human, cultural and tradition factors   hope through associativity to be full  collective mission.
                                             are intimately linked, which, as in the   partners in the national and international   Each time, they advance with evi-
                                             case of Colombia’s Coffee, are reflec-  market; they want to be sure of the dy-  dent limitations in the best interpre-
                                             ted in the cultivation, harvest and be-  namic demands of exquisite coffee con-  tation of what consumers want and
                                             nefit practices”.                    sumers to fulfill their expectations; they  value: Better quality, higher produc-
                                               In the northern part of the Department   try to endorse the production of coffee  tivity, lower costs, more competitive-
                                             of Nariño, approximately 23,000 families   as a viable alternative; they have a clear  ness and efficiency, higher income for
                                             producing 400,000 coffee bags each year   idea of what to do and their mission is to  producers, application of science and
                                             on 26,000 hectares, pour their talent,   reinforce their family life to the principles  technology in production, compliance
                                             skills, knowledge and great work capaci-  and values of the environment in which  with  legal  requirements,  traceability,
  Panorámica del municipio cafetero de La Unión. / Panoramic                      they were born.                     innocuousness, innovation, use of
             view of the Coffee municipality of La Unión.
                                                                                    The coffee families of northern Nariño  traditional production methods, ap-
                                                                                  want to prove that their product contains  preciation for the ecological methods,
                                                                                  what those who know how to drink fine  better  working  conditions,  affection
                                                                                  coffee look for, and what those new to  for the environment, animal welfare,
                                                                                  coffee and that are willing (doing it with  social security and inalienable immer-
                                                                                  property) to adopt with commitment the  sion in a socially intertwined world.
                                                                                  international standards of good practi-  In the Cooperativa de Caficultores
                                                                                  ces for the certification.          del Norte de Nariño Ltda. where the-
                                                                                    They feel that markets want a di-  re is over half a century of collective
                                                                                  versity of  responses  in  products  and  actions and achievements, we work
                                                                                  that this reality must be satisfied and  so that the coffee grower is the pre-
                                                                                  they are aware of what and how to do  ferential winner of the important bu-
                                                                                  it. However, even with the comparative  siness of coffee, a sufficient reason
                                                                                  and competitive advantages that thye  to promote the rational daily desire to
                                                                                  possess, they haven’t found a way that  seek and find what is essential for the
                                                                                  guarantees (and convinces) them to be  23,000 coffee families in the region:
                                                                                  the first executors of the Sustainability  Friendly and supportive markets.

   Los productores llegan a Cafenorte de Nariño Ltda.  Saben que es su empresa de confianza. / The farmers come to
                                   Cafenorte de Nariño Ltda. They know it is a trustworthy company.

                       Northern Nariño’s Coffee participates

                              in the Third International Coffee Award Ernesto Illy

             he Ernesto Illy International Coffee   In the last twelve months, the Illy Qua-  An external jury made up of coffee   The producers of the region will be
             Award is a recognition that Illycaffè   lity Lab in Trieste, Italy, identified three   experts, international chefs and coffee   represented at the event by Coopera-
        Toffers to the best coffees chosen   different coffee lots representing the best   lovers will choose the best batch of co-  tiva de Caficultores del Norte de Na-
        among those cultivated in the regions   coffees of the 2016 harvest from nine di-  ffee among the nine finalists of the total   riño Ltda.
        that make up Illy’s unique blend.    fferent and  important  coffee  producers:   27 participants.              The award is also a tribute to Ernesto
          The Ernesto Illy International Coffee Award   Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua,   The nine finalists will be announced   Illy, the last and visionary leader of Illyca-
        takes place on October 4, 2018 in New York   Ethiopia, Guatemala, El Salvador, India   at the United Nations and, during a gala   ffe, who believed deeply in scientific re-
        City and will be led by the Illy family.  and Rwanda.                    event at the Rockefeller Center - Ra-  search as a source of ineluctable truth,
          The award will recognize high quality pro-  Twenty-seven coffee growers, three   inbow  Room, the  winners  of  the  “Best   enabling advances in human develo-
        ducers who sustainably produce the best   per country, will attend a special cere-  of the Best” and the “Lovers’ Choice”   pment and promoting compliance with
        beans in coffee havens around the world.  mony prize in New York City.   awards will be announced.            the highest ethical standards.
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