Page 13 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
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Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’
Table 6. Q: Would You Recommend ADFAS? Graph 8. Association Expenditure FY 2018
Yes 94%
No 6%
Total 100%
N (survey responses) = 66
Source: ADFAS Perth Survey Monkey analysis, Oct. 2019.
Strategic Finding: The Customer Experience results whilst pleasing, being
only for one cohort of members/guests on a voluntary response, are not
statistically significant for ADFAS as a whole.
(NB – more representative data is needed above)
5.7.4 Key Financial Metrics Association of ADFAS
Table 7. Association Income and Expenditure Trend
Source: Honorary Treasurer’s Analysis of 2018 Income and Expenditure,
FY Income incl. Total Net Capitation March 2019
Youth Arts Expenditure Profit/Loss Fee/member
Note 1. Largest single item: Council Meetings Expenses. Below are the FY
2017 $296,153 2018 costs for the National Association only, - excl Societies extra costs:
2018 $289,860
March $47,118 56%
2019 $294,278 $294,607 $(329) $38.50 September $37,625 44%
$39.05 Total FY 2018 $84,743 100%
2020 (budget) TBA TBA TBA $20.00
Source: Honorary Treasurer, Feb 2020 Societies’ Profitability and Net Equity
14 out of 38 Societies are registered with the ACNC (as at March 2020), and
are hence required to submit an Annual Information Statement to ACNC which
is thereafter in the public domain,
Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Version 2.05 (PFarr, 23Oct2020) 12