Page 16 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
P. 16
Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’
Following is a concise review of the current health of the Association of 6.1 SWOT Analysis
Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Societies Inc. which summarises the
strengths and weaknesses and their implications identified in an in-house 6.1.1 Where is ADFAS Now (2020)?
Strategic Plan Workshop 7-8 January 2020.
Strengths Weaknesses
o Unique national organisation promoting the arts, comprising (38) o Lack of brand awareness.
societies over 6 States and ACT (gives geographic coverage and
some economies of scale). o Some 17 Societies evidenced decreases in membership and
some 17 had increases over the 6 years 2013-2019.
o Not-for-profit run by volunteers.
o Drive for new members may have to overcome the image of
o Target audience of 6,500+ members, as well as guest ticket ‘invitation only’.
o Poor channels of communication internally and externally.
o Affiliation/Group Member of The Arts Society UK. o Unskilled volunteers to take key positions.
INTERNAL Environment o Community projects recording heritage buildings and churches. o Lack of an immediate marketing tool.
o Access to international professional speakers over a broad
o Embracing IT development and social media exposure [Not
spectrum of arts related topics.
keeping up with technology].
o Investing in the development of young arts in local communities.
o Constitution structure.
o Philanthropic funding to conservation professionals to advance
o Costs of running the National Association (Capitation Fees).
conservation practice in Australia through annual awards.
o Bringing cultural activities to rural communities.
o Ageing membership, lack of younger members. Attrition from
o Synergies with ADFAS Travel. o Financial sustainability of a proportion of Societies.
one year to the next.
o Financial sustainability: Entering 2020 FY, the Association had
accumulated reserves of $743K (i.e. ~$112 per member). (38) o Succession planning for Society Committees and recruitment for
Societies had accumulated reserves of $1,7M (a mean of $260 per
member, or ~1.5 years’ average annual membership fee), o Financial losses of 19 Societies in FY 2019 and the marginal
profitability of three Societies - 22 in total. At the beginning of FY
2020, 8% of Societies had an accumulated surplus of <$10K.
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