Page 19 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
P. 19

Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’

                                             Table 8. Priority Actions, Success Indicators, Strategies, Resources and Time Frame

                                                       STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1: STRENGTHEN THE ADFAS ORGANISATION
                                     Success Indicators and Specific Objectives   Strategies
            Priority (Focus Area)                                                                                            Resources         Time Frame
                                     (What we aim to do)               (How we plan to go about achieving the aims)
            A.1. Best Practice Governance   a)  Establish, encourage and monitor sound and  •  Brief Governance audit for the Association and all member Societies using   EC   End CY 2021
            Standards                effective standards of governance and embed   a standardised questionnaire.
                                     nationally by end 2022.           •  Adapt and adopt an ADFAS specific Code of Conduct for ADFAS          Achieved
                                     Specifically: Produce a guideline to establish and   (NB code adopted by Council, Aug. 2020)
                                     monitor sound and effective standards of internal   •   Develop appropriate support/monitoring processes.    End 2020
                                     and external governance, and embed by end
                                     b)  Approve Code of Conduct and embed
                                     nationally by end 2020
            A.2. Improve communications   Increased website Social Media activity, member  •  Newsletters to all members - e.g. councillors and all members   EC, Exec Admin   Commenced 2020,
            through Social Media and a   satisfaction.                 •  Improve social media presence (i.e. ADFAS Facebook page and ADFAS   Assistant, Website    ongoing
            common digital marketing   Increase in ADFAS Travel uptake.   Instagram) and relevant content                    Coordinator.
            platform                 Specifically:                     •  More interactive website                           (Proposed
                                     a). Produce a program of actions to increase   •  Improve use of all styles/types of technology. Run ad hoc training/   Communications/
                                     visibility of ADFAS activities via social media   mentoring sessions to build capability/confidence.      Marketing Officer).
                                     (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).   •  Enable video meetings (using Zoom or MS Teams and Webinar tools).
                                     b). Acquire communication platforms to improve   •  Select a Social Media expert to actively manage and coordinate social
                                     digital communications between the EC and   media platforms, producing a document to assist others to follow suit.
                                     members.                             (Revamp of Facebook and Instagram)
                                     c). Embed appropriate assessment metrics and   •  Research and engage the services of a suitable digital communication
                                     monitor regularly.                   platform (Mailchimp newsletter (e.g. quarterly))
                                                                       •  All societies to have own their newsletters, Electronic Direct Mail (EDM), or   EC and each individual   Commenced 2020,
                                                                          similar – EC to assist and workshop.

            A.3. Improve education and   Increase in volunteers, increased volunteer skill   •  Improved training and sharing of information in workshops   EC   Commenced 2020 &
            support for volunteers   levels, and satisfaction          •  Possible use of technology or society hubs to educate and share      ongoing
            including inter-Society support                            •  Utilize skilled members, or others as required, to run workshops
                                                                       •  Investigate P/T Education Officer, including costs/benefits
            A.4. Reconfigure structure and   a)  Reduction of administrative costs   •  Reduce administrative costs through analysis and action   a)  EC, Council   a)  a) Commenced 2020,
            costs. Investigate ADFAS   b)  Undertake ADFAS rebranding exercise (for  •  Streamline structure, methods and costs – e.g. utilise video meetings and   b)  Rebranding   ongoing. Review
            rebranding options.          the Association and Societies) with a view   workshops as alternative to second annual Council meeting.    Working Party, EC,   annually 2020-2026
                                         to improving public recognition and   •  Utilise fit-for-purpose technologies for teleconference meetings and   Council, Societies  b)  b). Commence late
                                         marketing.                       workshops, membership, ticketing, social media, satisfaction surveys,   2020. 2021 ongoing.
                                                                          bookkeeping, budgeting, auditing, security/risks, fraud control, etc,
                                                                       •  Establish Rebranding Working Party to investigate rebranding options, pros
                                                                          and cons, legal/administrative/social media and Domain implications, costs,
                                                                          etc. Liaise with NADFAS (UK) so as to benefit from its learnings with
                                                                          respect to changing to its new (trading) name as The Arts Society.

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