Page 20 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
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Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’
A.5. Financial Sustainability a) Increased external income or reduced costs. • Actively address overcoming the financial issues of many Societies with EC, Council, Societies, 2020 – 2026
Measures b) Ongoing generation of income to meet losses or marginal profitability. (Proposed
budgeted expenses and the delivery of core • Possible separate Foundation (with DGR status) for the Patricia Robertson Communications/
services and programs. Fund (PRF) Marketing/PR Officer)
c) Accumulating cash reserves towards a target • Seek alternative funding via grants, Sponsorships. Explore viability of a
capital base. capital (gift) fund (not the PRF) with DGR status. Financial Plan: National
d) Realistic rolling Financial Plans adopted • Seek travel alternatives (teleconference meetings) Treasurer and EC
• Investigate development of partnerships with corporate bodies e.g. Airlines, prepare, Council
hotel chains approves
• Develop a rolling Financial Plan to complement the Strategic Plan (e.g.
proposed sources of income, projected Income & Expenditure accounts,
projected Balance Sheets and cash flow estimates).
➢ NB prospective saving to the Association of approx. $37K pa by not
holding a face-to-face annual conference.
A.6. Increase membership of More members • For ADFAS to grow and become more relevant nationally, the individual EC, PR/Marketing, 2022 and Ongoing
existing Societies (e.g. a growth of 8% over 5 years would amount to societies literally hold the key to achieving this aim. Council.
525 new members nationally). • Improve brand awareness via for example, media coverage, promotional Each individual society.
Specifically: All Societies should aim to create a tours (e.g. PA/HK tour), ADFAS Travel Club @ Home, ADFAS National
consistent growth in Members each year, ideally Newsletters, Garden Scheme, public lectures, educational workshops,
with broader age/gender representation. Youth Arts Awards, external partnerships, etc.
• Encouraging more engagement with members in societies.
• Increase friendliness and welcoming atmosphere. Listen to members; seek
their feedback.
• Embrace cultural diversity
• Supporting and valuing volunteers
• (Note – the best scope for growth in Members could focus on SA, Victoria,
WA and NT).
A.7. Increase number of More societies • Approach local galleries and guiding communities for interest EC, Council, societies 2022 and ongoing.
Societies Specifically: A growth of 8% over 5 years would • Use local contacts to find interested parties to start societies Aim for 4 new
create 3 more societies, with (say) an aggregate • Improve brand awareness societies by 2026
of 240 new members. 4 new Societies would • Special tours [e.g. Paul Atterbury/Hilary Kay tour to prospective areas]
require a growth of 11.5% over 5 years, or • Note – the best scope for growth in Societies could focus on SA, Victoria,
almost 1 pa. WA and NT. [e.g. WA potential such locations as: Perth Eastern Hills;
Mandurah, Bunbury/Busselton; Albany; Augusta/Margaret River]
A.8. Resource Planning: a) ICT audit completed and rolling Action Plan in • Establish/improve/coordinate fit-for-purpose ICT facilities including technical Council, societies 2021 and ongoing.
Information, Communication place to address gaps at Association and expertise succession plans to meet the current and future technology needs
and Technology (ICT) Societies levels by end CY 2022. of both the Association and member Societies for membership, ticketing,
b) No critical gap or risk areas remaining social media, satisfaction surveys, bookkeeping, budgeting, auditing,
unaddressed. OR mitigation plans/actions security/risks, fraud control, teleconferenced meetings, etc.
developed and implemented for known gaps or
Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Version 2.05 (PFarr, 23Oct2020) 19