Page 14 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
P. 14

Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’

                            Graph 9. Societies' Profit/Loss in FY 2019                   Strategic Finding: Graph 8 and Graph 9 above indicate the need for the
                                                                                         Strategic Plan to actively address overcoming the financial losses of 19
                 $25,000                                                                 Societies in 2019 and the marginal profitability of three Societies - 22 in
                                                                                          Graph 11. Histogram of Assets and Liabilities (Equity) (end FY 2019)

                 $10,000                                                                  Equity range:                  # of Societies
                                                                                          > $130K                                                        1
                                                                                          $100-$120K                                                     4
                     $-                                                                   $80-100K                                                       4
                         1  3  5  7  9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37          $50-$80K                                                       5
                                                                                          $30-$40K                                                       3
                $(10,000)                                                                 $20-$30K                                                       11
                                                                                          $10-$20K                                                       7
                $(15,000)                                                                 < $10K                                                         3
                                                                                                 Total                                                   38
                $(25,000)                                                                Total Equity (38 Societies) = $1,7M. Mean $42,800. Mean $260 per member,
                                                                                         or ~1.5 years’ average annual membership fee.
                                                                                         Total Equity (Association) = $743K or ~$112 per member

                  Graph 10. Histogram for Net Profit/Loss of Societies in 2019 FY          Strategic Finding:

                                                                                         In the event of sustained economic downturn in Australia, as at the beginning
                                                                                         of the 2020 FY, 8% of Societies had an accumulated surplus of <$10K; 18%
                                                                                         had  between  $10K  and  $20K;  whilst  three  quarters  had  a  comfortable
                                                                                         accumulated surplus of >$20K.

             Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Version 2.05 (PFarr, 23Oct2020)                                                               13
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19