Page 5 - TotallyLiterateGameRules_Classical
P. 5


         Grade Level:                     Second Grade and Above
         Prerequisite:                    Play Onwards and Spelling Game

         Skill Developed:                 Ability to combine prefixes (such as pre, re, anti) and suffixes (such as ness, tude,
                                          ing, ed) with various roots to form and spell multi-syllabic words.

         Objective:                       To spell multi-syllabic words by appending various morphemes to the various 360
                                          roots of the language.

         Preparation:                     Prior to playing the game, the front and the back of the chosen card(s) to be played
                                          should be read out loud by the players. (A few cards lack affixes, thus cannot be

         How to Play: Students should be seated so that they see the computer screen. They should have a pad and

         pencil to write down whatever multi-syllabic words that the parent/teacher pronounces out loud for them.
         According to the players’ age and aptitude, the parent/teacher picks any word that comes to mind. When the

         game is over, the players’ answers should be scored and reviewed. (For beginners, the teacher should choose
         common words. But for more advanced students, she may pick the harder derivative forms, such as those in
         the following examples: on 78a, Quebecker, trekking, technocrat, Czechoslovakia; on 77a, rebel, debutante,

         or  ebbing;  on  80a,  steadfast  or  threading;  and on  79a,  insecticide,  connective,  ineffectual,  objection,  or

         Scoring:  One point is awarded for each word spelled correctly.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10