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Healing for the most part is from the inside out. In the healing process
there may discomfort, and it may even seem like it was getting worse.
This is when you must trust that what you have been given and the one
you have entrusted your care knows what it will take for you to be made
whole and not just a temporary fix. I remember the illustration I was
given when I didn’t want to continue. Yes, there were times I said I will
keep my pain for it was hurting me more than I cared for. This is what
the Lord gave me: You are walking around with a band aid on a open
wound and gangrene has set in. Now let me take off that temporary
covering and cut in deep to save that which is eternal.
Psalm 147:3 King James Version (KJV)
3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
Prayer- My prayer is you don’t fight against what the Lord has started in you. Healing in every
area in your life is my earnest prayer for you. I pray that your healing will be a living witness for
others that they to, by your testimony, are able to be made whole. I thank God that He is with
you and for you all your days. I praise God that you will walk in victory.
Notes / Reflections
As it relates to this topic, healing as defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary, to cause to
be overcome. To restore to original purity or integrity.
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