Page 12 - Mendedpress_Neat
P. 12
The Fifth Step: The Dressings - Some wounds do not require stitches,
but they need to be covered anyway. There are times when pressure
needs to be placed on the wound to stop the bleeding and start clotting
so that the wound can heal. I liken this in the numerous ways that Jesus
healed in Matthew 5. We all have different areas we need healing be it
physically, emotionally, spiritually. Our Lord showed us He is sufficient
to be all that you need. Let Him be your covering.
Mark 5:36 New King James Version (NKJV) As soon as Jesus heard the word that was
spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”
Prayer- My prayer for you is from Psalm 91 (NKJV) I pray that whatever covering, whatever
protection, whatever the need, you go to God. You let Him be the protection until you are healed.
I pray He is your first source and if your “dressings” get soiled that you will go to Him. I pray
that you will allow Him to be your refuge.
Notes / Reflections
As it relates to this topic, dressing as defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary, a
material (such as ointment or gauze) applied to cover a lesion or wound. An instance of
such act or process.
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