Page 4 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 4

Notes From The


                                                   By Robert W. Jones

                                                  First, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of iNETrepreneur
                                                  Network, the growth we have experienced, and the creation of this
                                                  magazine. None of this would be possible without the loyal support
                                                  of our members, guests, and facilitators who faithfully run and attend
                                                  each of our weekly meetings.

                                                  This quarter’s issue features Diana Hooker, and her article dives
                                                  into how childhood experiences has helped her to effectively solve
                                                  problems. In particular, she lays out a three-step process that can
                                                  help anyone overcome a challenging situation.
       Welcome                                    Then our editor, Brian K. Wright, interviewed Cody Sperber. He is the
                                                  founder of Clever Investor, and we talked about how to get started
                                                  investing in real estate right now.
                                                  This issue also features an interview with Marshall Sylver, who helps
       to the 8th                                 people become millionaires. The most important thing we talked

                                                  about was why some people have money and keep it and why others
       edition of                                 You’ll also read Brent Kesler’s article about what wealthy people
                                                  understand about money that most people don’t, and Adam Kipnes’
                                                  article about how understanding yourself will help you tell the story
                                                  that you can monetize in the marketplace.
       iNETrepreneur                              Other articles in this issue include discussions about how Uncle Sam

                                                  really does want you to keep your money, the importance of alignment
                                                  to your business success, creating social proof, publicity tips to create
       Magazine!                                  buzz around your business, and a lot more.

                                                  I hope you enjoy this issue as much as my team and I enjoyed putting
                                                  it together.

                                                  To your success,

                                                  Robert W. Jones

                                                  Founder, Network Together
                                                  Publisher, iNETrepreneur Magazine

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