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calendar, he would have still been discontent. Once who are willing to look beyond the obvious, people who
we determined the correct answer for Ken, everything speak to be understood and listen to learn, people who
started lining up. can see the bigger picture and clarify their true goals-
and then take action to reach them. Connect with me
Lesson Two – Seek to understand, not to at so we can discuss how
you too can solve your big mysteries, create boundless
respond. I knew I had not taken Barbie’s earring, possibilities, and live a joyful life.
but in that moment if I had tried to defend myself, it
most likely would have caused an argument. It was
more important for me to understand that Carla was Diana is the founder of DLH Financial and Living
upset about the missing earring and understand what Your Greatness Coaching where she empowers her
happened clients to find and to utilize their gifts so they can
This isn’t just true for nine and ten-year-olds. Most live and work their abundance in all areas of their
people of all ages just want to know that you’ve truly lives. This is accomplished with years of experience
heard them. And when you listen without interrupting, developing tools customized to the client’s dreams
defending, or prematurely trying to solve a problem, and goals and their perspective of those dreams
you often hear the deeper message beneath the and goals. She also hosts a Daring Greatly Power
words. Just like when I asked Ken why he wanted to Hour workshop once a month where she covers
be more organized and what would he do if he could topics to enhance personal growth and leadership.
accomplish more with his time, and I listened. He told
me about his desire to spend more quality time with
his family and about using his talents for his passion She is a best-selling contributing author in the
every day. By seeking to understand, I discovered that collaborate books Goodness Abounds and 365
his true goal was not about getting more organized but Soulful Messages sold on Amazon. She is currently
about starting a business with his daughter and using writing her solo book, Unhook Yourself; Releasing
their talents collaboratively. the stories that hold you back from Greatness to be
released November 2, 2021.
Lesson Three – See the bigger picture. Because
Carla was so focused on me, she did not see the Contact Info:
earring on the step when she walked by it. But the
process of retracing her steps opened up the window
of other possibilities and helped solve the case.
When we are in the middle of a storm, we may think 11427 Reed Hartman Hwy #208
it’s all consuming but if we step back, we can often Cincinnati, OH 45241
see that it’s not as bad as it seems. This big-picture
perspective can also provide clarity about our goals Facebook page – Diana L Hooker – Living Your
and how to reach them. For instance, when Ken Greatness
stepped back and looked at the big picture of what LinkedIn – Diana Hooker
he truly wanted, we were able to see the best route
for him to take– one that he hadn’t considered when
he’d been focused solely on his messy desk and
unproductive workdays.
In my businesses, I no longer look for missing earrings,
but still use the lessons I learned from that experience
and I love working with people who are ready to
engage in this approach to problem solving: people