Page 10 - iNET magazine.June.2021
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children! in your company, such as hiring a Business Profit Tax
Yes, I said it. The “C” word. Children. But what I meant Coach like myself.
to say was, “Company.” In short, I promise my clients that when they step
As an entrepreneur, you are the parent of a wonderful into the light of who they are, powerful CEOs, nothing
child. You decided long ago what you were going to can stop them. Together, I guide them through the
name it. You dreamed day and night about having darkness of taxation, uncover legal loopholes, unlock
the freedom to drink martinis and relax by the beach, advanced tax savings strategies, and reveal missed
asking the “garcon” to bring you the next drink. You opportunities never to repeat the same mistakes twice.
might have even dreamed of the gender or the colors. When my clients and I work together, they feel
In the end, you knew you’d give birth to the company confident to make the right decisions in their business
of your dreams. to produce profits. They are no longer afraid of making
Uncle Sam understands that your company loves to money because they finally understand that Uncle
eat. “Feed me!” it shouts every exhausting day. “Feed Sam wants their company to be successful and to
me more, Daddy”, “Feed me more Mommy”, “Please continue to make profits.
feed me”, it presses on. As I always tell my clients and viewers on my YouTube
It loves to eat MONEY, also known as revenue. It also show Naked Tax Talk, “Remember why became an
loves to poop a lot, which we call poop expenses. entrepreneur—to make mucho, mucho, dinero.”
However, I want to share a tip with you.
In the world of being a powerful CEO, the word Jonathan Bengel is an IRS Enrolled Agent.
“expense” does not really exist. The word we use Federally Authorized to represent taxpayers before
instead is the word “investment.” the Internal Revenue Service. However, he is
Why an investment and not an expense? known as the Business Profit Tax Coach & Teacher
Extraordinaire, speaker, author, and entrepreneur.
Because an expense is something you WASTE your For over 18 years, he has guided established
money on and serves no purpose for your business
to grow. But an investment? It’s about spending women, and a few good men, entrepreneurs
your money in the right places that contribute to the through the darkness of taxation, and shines
following: the light to financial happiness. He is the host of
his own YouTube channel, Naked Tax Talk raw,
1. Your profits
where he and his guests come together to openly
2. Your company’s development talk about their personal lives, business lives, and
3. Your company’s growth money. In 2020, he wrote his first #1 Best Amazon
Uncle Sam understands this principle as well. He Selling book, nationally and internationally, “The
understands that a company does not have an ABC’s of Deductions: An Entrepreneurs Guide to
expense, and an IRS Enrolled Agent often does not Tax WriteOffs.”
say “expenses”, but instead uses the word “deduction”
because deductions are not expenses, and expenses He is the President and founder of JB Financial
are not deductions. LLC, and Tax Tiger Consulting, Inc; which is
Remember, an expense is something that you WASTE responsible for his premier online course Rapid
your money on, but a deduction reduces your taxable Tax Savings Formula, a 5-week program designed
income downward. to take entrepreneurs through the five pillars of
Why? profits. As Jonathan says, “Let’s remember why
we went into business, it’s all about mucho mucho
Because Uncle Sam says that all funds flowing into
your business is income first, unless you are entitled dinero.”
to deduct from that income the investment you made