Page 11 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 11
Be Aligned and
Primed For Business
(Alignment, Direction, and
Momentum = Success)
By Keith Weaver
unning a successful business is often Think of it like a high-end sports car. The reason
a struggle. We hear all the time about it performs so well is that, despite having a lot of
Rcompanies going out of business. Even different parts that all run separately, each part works
seemingly successful businesses will have a couple of together as a whole to achieve the final goal – power,
good years only to be gone a couple of years later. speed, performance, smooth ride, and exhilaration.
So, what is it that makes a business truly successful? If any one of those parts is misaligned or not
Well, in my mind, every business owner should want functioning right, the entire car suffers and the driver
their business to run smoothly without them, while would not get the joy the precision machine could
providing them a good profit, and to be an asset that offer. Making sure that the whole stays aligned and
they can someday sell or pass on when they are ready. running smoothly is the only way to guarantee that you
As I work with businesses throughout the country, are getting the most from the potential of the sports
I find that two common things are missing in many car, and that you are going to get where you want to go
businesses that are not running smoothly: Alignment and in the style you desire.
and Momentum A business is the same. With everything aligned to
What is Alignment in Business? the same goal, it is easy to get all your businesses
Aligning your business means that you have specific, resources working together to move forward together
focused, outlined purposes that are clear and aligned toward achieving your ultimate goals. This is not a
throughout all the parts of your company. Many single event. This is an ongoing process, a mindset,
businesses struggle with not having true alignment and a way of doing business.
through all aspects of their business: customer desires What is Momentum in Business?
– marketing – sales – operations – employees – Just like in many other aspects of life, the law of inertia
leadership – reporting – and outcomes. applies to business. If you aren’t moving, you can’t
For example, one client had misalignment when the keep moving. But if you are moving, you will keep
sales team was promising things that were not in the moving. In other words, Inaction promotes Inaction;
system or even in the works, while the company was Action promotes Action.
focused on improving the services in a totally different However, many business owners have one, or both, of
area and way. Likewise, there was misalignment two problems.
with the marketing team, which was not focused on
marketing the improvements that were in the works First, many business owners are too busy managing
and showcasing the innovation on the company. the day-to-day and putting out fires to actually work
on improving the business and keeping it ahead of the