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Your day-to-day and long-term actions are what will help you create an
agile, flexible, highly adaptable career. The following strategies will help
keep you positioned in the path of opportunity as you navigate the ups and
downs of your career.
Expect change, embrace it, and position yourself for the opportunities
it may provide.
Change is always disruptive, but it doesn’t always need to be bad news – in
fact, it can often be terrific news for those ready to look for and move toward
new opportunities. Monitor what’s going on around you in your organization,
paying close attention to ways you might be able to use changes in your
workplace to move your career in a good direction. Then be ready to act.
Always have an up-to-date career agenda in place.
Yep, it’s true – we are all self-employed. So it’s really important that you be
ready to pivot into a new opportunity by thinking through – and doing – any
advance preparation for those possible new directions. Even if you don’t
have any specific moves you want to make in the foreseeable future, you
can still be prepared for unanticipated employment changes.
Your career agenda should identify what career goals you’d like to achieve,
how you’re going to achieve them, and when. In addition, it should also
note why those career goals are important to you, so that if an unforeseen
opportunity arises that doesn’t quite look like your specific career goals,
you’ll be able to recognize that it may just be another, different great way to
move toward them.
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