Page 28 - Visionary Arts 2019
P. 28

As  an  English  major  student,  I  can  see  the  benefits  of

       learning  English  in  Singapore.  It  allows  me  to  fully  utilize  my  English

       skills.  Since  Singaporeans  don't  speak  Thai,  they  use  English  as  an
       international language. It is helpful for me as a tourist. At least I can

       communicate  with  the  locals,  so  I  can  make  sure  that  I  don’t  get  lost
       or starve to death.

                       Due  to  what  I  have  described  above,  I  can  see  how

       Singapore develops so much. They begin with having nothing, but now
       they  have  everything.  The  education  and  the  people  are  the  “heart”

       for  success.  When  the  heart  is  good,  it  can  effectively  drive  every

       other part.

                       The  last  thing  that  I  want  to  say  is  to  thank  our  faculty.
       This  trip  gives  me  a  fun  and  beneficial  experience.  I  would  probably

       not  get  this  without  the  support  of  the  faculty.  I  truly  hope  that  the
       faculty  continue  doing  this  project  so  that  our  next  Arts  generation

       can  have  an  opportunity  like  this  and  they  will  bring  the  knowledge
       back and use it as a model to develop both themselves and country in

       the  future.  Hopefully,  they  can  help  Thailand  to  find  the  real  “heart”

       that drives the country as Singapore does.


       Rahman, M. F. B. A. (2017). SMART CCTVS FOR SECURE CITIES:
                       POTENTIAL AND CHALLENGES. Policy Report.

       Sharma, Y. (2017, December 15). The story of how Singapore became

                       a research nation. Retrieved March 18,                      2020, from


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