Page 913 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 913
A mid 19th century silver trio of the
three gods, Fu [Happiness], Lu
[Prosperity] and Shou [Longevity].
In Chinese culture, the trio is
commonly used to denote the three
attributes of a good life.
In the cosmos, the Fu star refers to
Jupiter, the Lu star is Ursa Majoris
and the Shou star is the star of the
South Pole [Canopus].
In complete contrast
is this circa
1910-1920 tea and
coffee set with tray
and sugar tongs.
Every Chinese
silversmith had what
were considered
“commercial” items
in their repertoire and
a l m o s t e v e r y
silversmith had their
own version of this
particular style of set.
W h i l e i t m a y b e
relatively plain in
comparison with
others, the quality is
w h a t w o u l d b e
expected of Yang
Qing He.