P. 234
Dennis Doorakkers
A passionate cans promoter based in The Netherlands. Importer,
international wine judge, educator, writer and
a specialist, an ambassador and a true believer in canned wines,
affiliated with the International Canned Wine Competition
and global matchmaker in the canned wine industry.
Seven questions
about cans
friends, anytime, anyplace. But it is too simple
to connect the „non-bottle“ packaging only
to young, hip and modern wine drinkers. No,
other categories of more traditional wine con-
sumers are also part of this development. Con-
sider the worldwide increase in obesity, heart
and vascular diseases and cancer, which all
contribute to the growing desire to drink less
wine but higher quality in the minds of a lot of
consumers. The innovation of the can of wine
responds to all these wishes. I also think the
„mainstream“ wine world should not see it as
a substitute for a bottle; it is purely convenient
packaging and that is how must be accepted.
Will the customer require a different pac-
kage, factory-packed individual portions
Will wine be sold in cans or plastic contai- for one or two glasses in the current epide-
ners in small individual portions? miological situation?
Yes, certainly without any doubt and this has I definitely think consumers will have a de-
already been the case for several years in a lot mand for single serve packages in the current
of countries around the world. epidemiological situation. As I mentioned
Recent research of the British research firm before this current pandemic opens new per-
Wine Intelligence shows that the acceptance spectives and sometimes forces producers
of canned wine has grown greatly in the Uni- and consumers towards alternative packaging
ted States, the United Kingdom, Canada and in wine more than ever before.
even Sweden. In the current Covid crisis con- But is the wine can really that new and con-
sumers appear to be more open to alternative temporary? Let me take you briefly into the
packaging in wine than ever before. Smaller history of wine in a can.
packages are becoming more popular for The first experiments with canned wine pa-
multiple reasons. The new generation of wine ralleled the introduction of the first beer cans
drinkers is into the experience of drinking in 1935 in the United States. These were not
quality wine. They want to drink wine with the „tab“ cans that we are used to these days;