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                                                 daily activities which focus on linking parties
                                                 such as wine producers, can producers, mobile
                                                 canning firms, labelers and all kinds of entre-
                                                 preneurs who are interested in entering the
                                                   The interest is there from within the wine
                                                 world itself, which can contribute to the eli-
                                                 mination of losses due to Covid. It stimulates
                                                 the spirit of the innovative entrepreneur and
                                                 fits seamlessly with the demands of the con-
                                                 temporary market. Perception and imaging
                                                 are where the challenge lies for all parties in
                                                 this growth market! A  recent development
                                                 which will boost the canned wine industry is
          Canned wines also have had their own lea-  the 2020 approval of the Alcohol and Tobacco
        ding competition for the last few years now.  Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) of 250 ml cans in
        The International Canned  Wine Competiti-  the US. On the European mainland the trend is
        on (ICWC) based in California sees a growing  to charge a deposit on cans, like the develop-
        number of entries every year, as well as growth  ment for PET bottles, due to the big problems
        in the quality of the wines. They judge the wi-  with trash disposal.  This will only stimulate
        nes on quality in different categories including  the market, an environmental and reasonable
        several varieties of white and red grapes, se-  market which will use the welfare of the planet
        veral blends, rosé wines, sparkling wines (non-  as a serious unique selling point, giving credit
        -carbonated) and carbonated wines. Other  where credit is due. What‘s wrong with that?
        categories are the wine spritzers, coolers and
        seltzers, which are basically wine based light
        alcoholic drinks of sparkling water and fruit.
        The expansion of such institutions helps to
        contribute to the correct image.
          Other mainstream competitions are also
        allowing canned wines, but mostly pour them
        into bottles and don’t focus on another be-
        nefit of canned wines, the 360° label printing
        options, the great achievements of graphic
        designers and modern artists. I have seen la-
        bels with great pictures, with relief and textu-
        re, and other excellent designs, reminiscent of
        modern painting: unique collector‘s items on
        their own! Within the ICWC judges also award   And what about the future?
        design awards for package design for series   My personal opinion is that this wine seg-
        and individual cans. This gives an additional di-  ment will be available in many countries over
        mension to the product and also shows the ad-  the coming years. It will not replace the bottle
        ded value and identity for the wine consumer.   and not all kinds of wines will be canned. One
           Not surprisingly this part of the wine industry  of the attributes of canned wines is the oxygen
        is growing rapidly today, and not only in the  free package; wines which do not benefit from
        home market the US. I experience this in my  this aspect will not be canned successfully.
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