P. 238
Since the market is still in the early stages, THE FUTURE
the categories will become further defined:
entry level; mid-range certified wine, high end
specialist wines, etc. Therefore, particularly in Sorry, but I must explain something. We, the
the US, we’re seeing better wine being put in Czechs, love any kind of humour. The wor-
cans from top wine makers. se the time, the more jokes we make about it.
Also, the range of wines like organic, low Now we are completely overflowing with jo-
alcohol and de-alcoholized wine in cans is kes! How sad…
growing and will be more visible. The „less but The fictional giant of the Czech nation, the
better“ thoughts within the wine drinker ge- volcano that buried itself, Jára da Cimrman
neration will become more and more impor- (a fictional Czech polymath), left behind seve-
tant, as will the call for sustainability. ral basic quotes. One of the most popular is:
The established wine producers will em- The future belongs to aluminum.
brace this innovative and multipurpose pac- I‘m satisfied. I managed to smuggle this fic-
kaging product and more wine will become tional teacher, educator, scientist, artist, globe-
available in a can. trotter, and author of anything into this book!
By the way - I really believe it.
The aluminum bottle has so many advan-
tages over other methods of packaging liquid
products including wine. I personally consider
it the most promising way to package drinks.
Aluminum bottles are the most flexible tech-
nical solution for the packaging of liquids.
Will bag-in-boxes come (back) to fame? Pros? Chill-retention, re-sealability, durability,
The pandemic will open (and has already and 100% recyclability are just some of the
opened) new manners of entrepreneurship great reasons why so many marketers in the
and re-introduced people to this way of pac- beverage industry are now planning to pack
kaging wine. I doubt this will lead to the re- their best brands in aluminum bottles. The sty-
-introduction of the bag-in-box. From the very le of any product is dictated by its consumers.
beginning the focus of bag-in-box wines was Convenience for drinking, storage, transpor-
wine with an affordable price tag, but with ting on the street or in sports, for example,
less emphasis on quality. The main difference aluminum bottles would be a great choice for
with canned wines is that you see the rise of anyone who likes to hike, or experience out-
premium, high quality craft wines. More and door adventure. Anyone who wants to enjoy
more winegrowers make their wines available a glass of wine without worrying about the
in multiple packages (bottles, cans, bag in box bottle breaking and if you don’t want to drink
and kegs). A great example of this is Bridge straight from the bottle, you can easily pour
Lane Wine, based in New York, USA. However the wine in the glass.
as with canned wines it’s all about the packages Aluminum is the lightest material to produ-
(when the same wine is in there of course) so if ce bottles, so it speaks directly of packaging
you have a party with forty people you will of wines for inflight service in the air. Aluminum
course not buy cans, but get a few bag-in-boxes is an excellent heat conductor. We cool the
or even a nine liter keg! Of all the new innova- bottle much faster than the glass one.
tive packages of wine, the cans look to be the Aluminum bottles are exceptionally light,
most flexible and future fit to the growing de- safe, and durable. They can be manufactured
mand of the worldwide market. ƅ in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The global