Page 82 - Business Building Guide
P. 82
Find Builders Enroll Find Business Partners
A successful business requires partnering with like-minded individuals who
want what you and dōTERRA have to offer. Use these recruiting mindset tips
to successfully find and recruit capable and committed business partners.
1 Begin with the end in mind. Cast a vision for builder 4 Get them to corporate/team events.
prospects. What cause fuels your passion to serve Remember, people make decisions at events.
your community? You are the CEO of your own
business and you are asking them to partner. 5 Introduce them to your upline. Utilize your upline
They need to know where you are going before to add credibility to the dōTERRA opportunity. Ask
they’ll join you. Help them see themselves “in it.” them to share their experience with your prospects.
(See more about 3-Way Calls on pg. 82)
2 You are going to get there with or without them.
Your success or failure is up to you. While you do 6 People go into business with people they like.
need people to follow you, no one person makes Who do you want to spend time with? Who do you
or breaks your business. You are looking for those want to travel with? You are not looking for a downline,
who want to partner with you. If people feel like you are looking for business partners. Be the type of
your success depends on them, they tend to say no. person someone wants to build a business with. Talk
Instead, share the excitement of your future success. about how you love what you are doing and how it’s
They won’t want to miss out and will often choose to changing your life. Your best leads come from those in
join because of it. whom you’ve taken a sincere interest. When you help
them find solutions to their challenges, they will be
3 Master the Intro to Build. Be as skilled at an Intro more drawn to engage.
to Build presentation as you are the Intro to Oils
presentation. Become great at sharing the business 7 Believe in them. New builders lack experience and
opportunity. Present often to gain confidence and will depend on your belief until they build their own.
experience in enrolling builders. In the beginning, you believe in them more than they
believe in themselves. Breathe belief into them.
Ideal Business Partner
Use page 108 to find attributes you want in your business partners. As you grow in experience, continue to add to your list.
Committed & Capable - Who They Are: Casual & Unwilling - Who They Are Not:
• Authentic – the real deal • Inauthentic – uncommitted
• Faith-filled with intentional engagement • Resigned and disengaged
• Ready and motivated to move beyond their story • Attached to their story and excuses
• Create from inspiration • Create from limitation
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81 Business Building Guide