Page 79 - Business Building Guide
P. 79

Support  Enroll

          Address Needs and Book a Wellness Consult Call

           1   Connect & Discover

          Hi ___, this is ___, your dōTERRA Wellness Advocate. As your support team, I was looking in the back office and noticed . . .

           On LRP, never had          Haven’t ordered in         Purchasing but            On LRP but credit card
           Wellness Consult           a while in a while         not on LRP                not processing
            . . . you seem to really enjoy    . . . you haven’t ordered in a    . . . you seem to really enjoy     . . . at one point you had set
           your oils and are purchasing   while and I wanted to check   the oils and purchase   up a Loyalty Rewards order
           every month! I would love   in to see if I can answer any   regularly. I would love to   and it’s still set up in the
           to hear what some of your   questions for you?        hear about your favorites   system but not running.
           favorites are! . . . What got                         and what is working for you   Were you aware? . . . I didn’t
           you involved with oils in the   Also, . . .           . . . Nice!               want you wondering why
           first place? (only ask this if                                                  your order isn’t shipping out
           you don’t actually know)                              Another reason I called is   to you. One reason could be
           It’s awesome that you are                             to share with you one of the   your card on file has expired
           taking advantage of the                               best things about dōTERRA   or is one you no longer use.
           Loyalty Rewards Program!                              and how you can earn free   I am happy to get that fixed
                                                                 products with the Loyalty
           Also, . . .                                           Rewards Program. It’s the   if you’d like.
                                                                 smartest way to buy. You   Also, . . .
                                                                 can earn up to 30 percent
                                                                 back on everything you buy
                                                                 in free product. It’s easy
                                                                 to change or cancel your
                                                                 order anytime. Would you
                                                                 like more details and help
                                                                 setting up your Loyalty
                                                                 Rewards Order?

          2    Schedule a Wellness Consult

          A.  Never had a Wellness Consult: I want to make sure you know   B.  Offering a follow-up Wellness Consult: I know we did a
          about an amazing offer and I don’t want you to miss out! With your   Wellness Consult for you when you first got started and it’s
          account, you are eligible to receive a free Wellness Consult where   been a while, so I thought it would serve if we reviewed your
          I would visit with you for about 30 minutes, either in your home or   Daily Wellness Plan and make sure you are feeling confident
          over the phone, and help you match your health priorities with the   in how to use that you have.
          products you have. We would use what we call the Live guide and    I would love to get that scheduled with you! How does _______or
          I will send that out to you in advance.              _______ (day) @ _______(time) work for you? . . . Great! And then,
          Remind me which kit you got started with ______      if you’re like me, you’d appreciate a reminder text. Would you
          (only ask if you don’t know and/or it’s been too long to look up   like me to send you one?
          in the back office)? Awe, yes! Wonderful! Sometimes when people   . . . Oh, also, I find people love to come to that time together
          first get their oils, they’re not sure how to use them. The purpose   prepared so I’d love to send you a link to watch beforehand
          of your Wellness Consult is to help you utilize them as part of a   (e.g., the Live guide video at Would that interest
          Daily Wellness Plan and show you how to create the most benefits   you? . . . Great!
          throughout your day. And also make sure you know how to   Would you prefer I text or email you the link? . . . OK! We are all set!
          maximize your membership and earn free products.     Here is my contact information so you know how to get a hold
                                                               of me . . . I am looking forward to our time together!

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