Page 77 - Business Building Guide
P. 77

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                                                    The fortune is in the follow-up.

                                                                                            Michael Clouse

           Add-On Scripts                                      Offer Promotions & Incentives
                                                               A. Also, I wanted to be sure and share with you about an
           Community Invite                                    exciting offer! By placing a minimum ______ (e.g., 200 PV)

           Also, I thought of you because we have an amazing _________   order this month by the (e.g., 15th, 30th), you will receive
           (e.g., Facebook)  community where you can ask questions and   a ___________ (e.g., a dōTERRA special or your own)! . . .
           access amazing education as well as notification of events and   If a commitment is given, OK, I have down here you are
           product specials. I would love                      going to place your order set for the 15th so you can get
           to add you . . .                                    your free _______! Did I miss anything?
           Continuing Ed Invite                                B. Also, dōTERRA is offering something amazing this week
           Also, I wanted to offer you the opportunity to join our wellness   only ____ (e.g., BOGOs). A few details are . . . To make it super
           education series. Each class focuses on a specific topic   simple, I can send you a link (see Link Generator under
           featuring how to use related dōTERRA essential oils and   Account Profile in back office) that takes you right
           products.                                           to the offer (e.g., Mystery BOGO box, each day’s BOGO).
                                                               Then you can add anything else from there.
           A. We gather every _____@ _____ (e.g., Tues @ 7pm)
           for a Zoom call. I’ll send you the link. OR at ________    C. Also, I am offering a free gift (e.g., oil, or AromaTouch
           (e.g., my home).                                    Technique  session) to any of my customers who place
                                                               a 100+ PV LRP order this month in appreciation for your
           B. We broadcast live every _____@ _____
                                                               continuing trust. Is that something you would use or enjoy? . .
           (e.g., Weds. @ 7pm) from our essential oil enthusiasts
                                                               . Great! I’ll text/email a coupon to you right away with those
           FB group called _____. Makes it super easy as well to
           catch recordings. I’ll text you a link so you can register.
           Do you have a topic you are interested in now? I could    Invite To Share And Build
           share a class with you right away!                  A. Also, I know how much you love using your products and I
           C. We have it all online so you can access all the classes   bet you’ve thought of others who would benefit from them too.
           anytime. Just go to our ______ (e.g., team website or FB   Would you consider hosting a class? Would you like to receive
           group) and its under ______ (e.g., ___ tab, or Units).    a nice gift for doing so?
           I’ll send you a link. Do you have a topic you are interested    B.  Also, I just came back from _______ (e.g., event, class,
           in right away that I can send you to?               convention) and I could not get you off my mind! I was
                                                               surrounded by such purpose-driven people and I could so see
                                                               you as part of it all. I would love to make time to chat.
                                                               C. Also, I keep thinking of you! You remind me of the amazing
                                                               people I work with in this mission of spreading the good news
                                                               of dōTERRA essential oils. Would you be open to taking a look
                                                               at this incredible opportunity to change lives?

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