Page 73 - Business Building Guide
P. 73


          Resolve Concerns

          If a customer brings up a concern about a product that didn’t give them the results they wanted, listen and then make
          a suggestion(s) to help them discover how to adjust to achieve their desired results. Use the following to fine tune the
          process and help them have a positive experience:

            Need More Essential Oils:         Something Blocking Effects:          Try a Different Solution:

            Try small amounts of oils more    Reduce the consumption of or         What works for one person may
            frequently. For some concerns,    exposure to toxins, harmful or synthetic   not work for another. Everyone’s
            try 1–2 drops every 1–2 hours.    substances, and anti-nutrients like   body chemistry is different and the
            For other concerns, try 1–3+ uses   sugar, caffeine, or processed foods.    ability to cater to that is one of the
            daily for a month or longer until   Any of these can weaken immunity,   greatest advantages of essential oil
            desired results are achieved or to   distract the body’s energy away from   use. Encourage them to try different
            re-evaluate progress.             health projects, and reduce the effects   things until the right solution is
                                              of the essential oils. Dehydration, high   found. Also consider the emotional
                                              levels of stress, and lack of sleep can   roots of a physical condition. What
                                              also have a major impact on results.  we think and believe has direct
                                                                                   impact on our biological processes.
                                                                                   Consider recommending emotional
                                                                                   support to improve the level and
                                                                                   speed of results.

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