Page 51 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
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        Site safety, health and security on our projects has just as high a priority as any other
        aspect of the project. We accept no compromises.                                 No Firm is More

        Barr & Barr‘s project management plan, work plans, pre-task planning and logistics always   Serious About Safety
        address and include site specifi c safety and health plans that ensure the safety and well-
        being of construction workers, adjacent property owners and general public.   and Our Track Record

        Barr & Barr is committed and always looking to improve upon the programs currently in   Shows It.
        place. We do this through our risk assessment plans, challenging “best practices” creating
        and implementing new policy or guidelines, education and training.             Most Recent EMR

        On several projects Barr & Barr has entered into a safety partnership with OSHA. Th e   Rating = .78 Well
        goal being to foster and improve relations between the subcontractors and OSHA, reduce
        injuries and illness, increase onsite training and in the end increase subcontractor awareness   Below the Industry
        and a change in attitude to safety.
                                                                                           Average of 1.0
        2017 = .78            2016= .86             2015= .82

        OSHA Recordable Rate:
        2016 = 2.8            2015= 0.7             2014= 0.0

        DART Rates:
        2016 = 1.1            2015=  0.0            2014= 0.0
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56