Page 56 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
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Th  roughout this process both teams continuously emphasized the importance of a
                                               plan that would minimize the impact to Cornell University operations, staff , students
          No one takes safety                  and visitors. Th  e Barr & Barr logistics plans attached will refl ect that progress to date.
           more serious than                   In addition to the Site Plan outlined above Barr & Barr will be implementing our
                                               VEEC Project Specifi c Safety Plan as outlined below:
               Barr & Barr
                                               Our own Safety Manual. Th  e foundation for our eff orts is our own safety manual.
         and our track record                  Its focus is prevention not only of injuries and illness, but also of damage to property
                                               and the environment. Our requirements include, for example, 100% eye protection
                   shows it.                   and fall protection for all employees working six or more feet above a lower level,
                                               regardless of trade.

                                               A Site-Specifi c Health and Safety Plan. Th  is expands on our safety manual and
            EMR = .78 well                     typically covers fall protection, excavations, scaff olding, personal protective equipment
                                               and procedures for responding to emergencies.
          below the industry                   Universal Safety Training. Our safety director, Jim Manoli, (a former OSHA inspector)

                                               and Ted Brownell our New York safety manager. Both are authorized to teach OSHA’s
                average 1.0                    10-hour and 30-hour construction safety courses.

                                               •  All Barr & Barr personnel assigned to a job site complete, at a minimum, the
                                                 10-hour OSHA safety course

                                               •  All of our superintendents complete, at a minimum, OSHA’s 30-hour course
                                               •  We off er the 10-hour course free of charge to subcontractors and your own

                                                •  All workers receive at the very least an orientation that includes safety procedures
                                                 and requirements specifi c to the project

                                                •  As needed, we conduct additional specifi c training covering fall protection,
                                                 scaff olds, hazard communication and the like

                                                Project Orientation Program. All employees on the site are required to attend
                                                an Orientation class so they fully understand the Project Safety Requirements,
                                                expectations, training requirements, work rules, etc.

                                                Daily Safety Inspections. Inspection by our project team is also key to our program.
                                               Safety manager Ted Brownell, weekly, conducts his own inspections to evaluate adherence
                                               to the safety program, documenting any corrective action. Further, we tap our insurance
                                               agent and our insurance carrier to conduct safety inspections throughout construction.
                                               Weekly Safety Meetings. All subcontractors are required to attend.

                                               Project Security. Barr & Barr working with the Owner will develop and implement
                                               a security program to insure a safe and secure workplace. Th  is program will address
                                               site boundaries, staging areas, trutk and employee access, employee and visitor access
                                               control, emergency evacuation plan, site illumination, web cameras, guard services,
                                               community concerns, etc.

                                               Sustainable Construction Safety and Health Rating. Th  e SCSH system requires the
                                               participation of the owner, architect, engineers and construction manager. Th e project
                                               team will assess construction safety and health from the early planning stages, design
                                               development and throughout construction. In many respects the essence of this system
                                               has been incorporated into Barr & Barr’s Safety Program and Project Planning Analysis.
                                               Barr & Barr looks forward to working with Cornell University and the project team
                                               implementing this program on the VEEC project.

                                               Barr &Barr’s Experience Modifi cation rate is .78
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