Page 55 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
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•  Exterior wall and cladding assemblies including   As your MEP Superintendent, Waseem will oversee the mechanical,
                      waterproofi ng, sealant and fl ashing components  plumbing, sprinkler and electrical trades as well as assist in the
                     •  Exterior window and door assemblies and other   MEP mechanical coordination, RFI shop drawing reporting
                      penetrations                                   as well as assist in BIM Management.  He will enforce daily
                     • Fire rated assemblies                         safety, manpower/staffi  ng, quality, document compliance and
                     • Fire stopping and draft stops                 subcontractor meetings to ensure the project meets its desired
                     •  Framing including structural connections, shear wall,   schedule.  Additionally, he will assist in subcontractor meetings
                      brace frame and hold-down assemblies           and trade coordination.
                     • Horizontal waterproofi ng assemblies
                     •  HVAC systems including air balancing, exhaust,   Maxwell Stanisce & Kerri Reggio, Assistant Superintendents
                      ventilation, vapor transmission, and humidity control   As your Assistant Superintendents, Max and Kerri will support
                      systems                                        the entire project team.
                     • Life safety systems
                     • Mock-ups and sample system assemblies         Robert Goslin, BIM Director
                     • Conforming work at the time of pre-closure inspections  As your BIM Director, Rob will be responsible for the oversite
                     •  Non-conforming work subsequent to corrective action   of the BIM process beginning with establishing standards for
                      being completed                                models and LOD Matrixes, Execution Plans, creating detailed
                     • Plumbing systems                              Instructions to Bidders and evaluating subcontractor BIM Scope
                     • Roofi ng systems                              before contract award.  Manage the 3D coordination phase
                     • Site work including landscape and fi nal grading  ensuring the quality of the Construction Model.  Evaluate and
                     •  Sub-grade waterproofi ng and foundation drainage   fl ag issues, concerns and impacts to facilitate making the best
                      systems                                        decisions during construction through the As-Built process for
                     • Th  ermal insulation systems                  an accurate deliverable at Closeout.
                     • Other critical assemblies
                                                                     Richard Lent, LEED AP, Estimating & Purchasing
              2. Staffi  ng Plan                                     Richard will be involved with providing the fi nal GMC for the
              Th  omas J. LePage, Project Executive                  project.  Th  e GMC will be produced in-house in the CSI format
              As Project Executive, Tom will oversee your project from the   refl ecting in great detail the scope of the project.  He will also
              corporate level and have full contractual authority.  He will work   receive and review input from vendors and subcontractors in
              closely with the project team ensuring that the project stay both   order to confi rm estimated values and any market fl uctuations.
              on schedule and within budget.                         Th  roughout the project he will be responsible for cost estimating,
                                                                     reviewing cost studies and changes.  Richard will be fully
              Michael Saraceno, Senior Project Manager               involved with the purchasing of the project.  He will work on
              As your Senior Project Manager, Mike will be the Senior full   and review the instructions to bidders.  Upon receipt of the
              time Barr & Barr representative; he has full responsibility for   subcontractor proposals he will review the scope of work and
              all on site operations.  Mike and his staff  will work closely with   provide complete and thorough leveling sheets for each trade
              Cornell University and the project team ensuring that budget,   in order to make recommendations of subcontractor awards to
              schedule, project safety, QA/QC and all project expectations stay   Cornell University.
              on track. Mike’s proactive leadership will support the project team
              and mitigate any unforeseen issues.                    3. Safety Plan
                                                                     Th  e safe plan for the VEEC Project will be challenged by both
              Peter Santorufo, Core/Shell Superintendent             its location on the site as well as its connection to the Graduate
              As your Core/Shell Superintendent Peter will focus on workfl ow   Hotel Project.
              and assure the maximization of productivity.  He will enforce
              daily safety, manpower/staffi  ng, quality, document compliance   Due to the height of the hotel this project will fall under the
              and subcontractor meetings to ensure the project meets its desired   NYC Safety Plan and Site Safety Program requirements. Th e
              schedule.  Additionally, he will assist in subcontractor meetings   current program plan anticipates that both projects will be
              and trade coordination.                                constructed concurrently. Based upon the schedule and the
                                                                     buildings being connected the NYC DOB is considering both
              Christopher Barry, Interiors Superintendent            projects as one site. As a result the VEEC Project will need
              As your Interiors Superintendent, Chris will focus on workfl ow   to be included on the Graduate Hotel NYC Site Safety Plan.
              as well and assure the maximization of productivity for the   Th  e VEEC Project is also challenged in that it does not have
              project. He will enforce daily safety, manpower/staffi  ng, quality,   any street frontage. Access to the VEEC site will need to be
              document compliance and subcontractor meetings to ensure the   adjacent to the hotel project and Tech Walk.
              project meets its desired schedule.  Additionally, he will assist in
              subcontractor meetings and trade coordination.         Barr & Barr has been meeting with the Hotel Team every other
                                                                     Friday developing jointly a Site Safety Plan/Site Logistics Plan
              Ronald F. Cardillo, LEED AP, MEP/LEED Manager          that will service both projects. Th  ese meetings have addressed
              As your MEP/LEED Manager, Ron will be hands on throughout   construction fence location, site access, staging, deliveries, crane
              the entire project managing all of the MEP systems. Ron will take   logistics, hoist locations, overhead protection requirements,
              the lead on all MEP Estimates, MEP Subcontractor Procurement,   controlled access zones during construction, worker access, site
              MEP Coordination, Field Operations, LEED Compliance,   utility installation, excavation/foundation operations, steel and
              Building Commissioning and Project Closeout.           superstructure operations, NYC FDNY access to Tech Walk.
              Waseem Dean, MEP Superintendent
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