Page 57 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
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4. Schedule                                            Design Assist Package for the Building Envelope.  With Cornell’s
              In March of 2017 while developing the 100% DD schedule for the   approval Snohetta and Barr & Barr prepared the appropriate RFP
              VEEC project Barr & Barr identifi ed three trades of scheduling   Package.  Th  e RFP Package went out in early June, proposals
              concern:                                               were received in late June, subcontractor interviews were held
                                                                     in mid-July.  Barr & Barr made a recommendation on July 27th
                 1.  Excavation & Foundations
                                                                     for BlueSteel for the Design Assist Services.  Currently this
                2.  Structural Steel                                 package is with Cornell for their review and approval.
                3.  Building Façade
                                                                     Barr & Barr has included our 50% CD Schedule following this
              Th  ese concerns were all based upon the Universities goal of an
              August 2019 occupancy.
                                                                     5. Methods of Tracking and Controlling Project Costs
                                                                     Field change management
              Excavation & Foundations
              Th  is concern arose when it was made aware to the VEEC Team that   Deft and effi  cient. Field changes are inevitable. But our staff  is
              the hotel project had expanded to a full basement that would abut   quite comfortable with tackling, quickly resolving and documenting
              the VEEC building structure.  Due to the concurrent construction   fi eld-driven changes. Digital photos and emails documenting
              plan of the two sites this would require additional sheeting and   solutions by the on-site team effi  ciently track changes and become
              shoring requirements, additional structural considerations for   part of the project record. We also encourage the setup of a
              the VEEC building, additional backfi ll and underground utility   dedicated video conference room to facilitate communication
              coordination.  All of which had potential schedule impacts to   between owner, architect, Barr & Barr and other participants
              the VEEC Project.  Barr & Barr has coordinated meetings with   when changes are being considered. If Building Information
              Cornell, the Hotel Team, and prime subcontractors to discuss   Management is in use, the modeling is updated to refl ect as-
              sequencing and design options for improved coordination between   built conditions for the fi nal electronic record.
              the two projects.  We have been working with the Hotel Team
              to develop an overall excavation and foundation plan that would   Change order management
              sequence the work in a manner to minimize both cost and time   Strict vetting and authorization. We enforce a strict set of
              impacts to both projects.  Barr & Barr also recommended that   procedures for vetting changes that would alter design, cost
              both teams coordinate their bidders list for this work with the   or schedule in any way. Change orders are processed monthly
              potential goal of awarding the excavation and foundations work   following an authorization process by which each change is
              for both projects to one subcontractor.  Th  is would greatly improve   fully described, evaluated by you and your architect, detailed
              coordination, communications and cooperation between the two   and reviewed in terms of cost and time, and (in the event of
              sites during this phase of work.                       disagreement) negotiated among you, your architect and Barr
                                                                     & Barr.
              Structural Steel
              To insure continuity throughout construction and based upon   Monthly pay requisition reviews
              steel mill order procurement, shop drawing/engineering and   A clear picture of costs. Each monthly requisition includes a
              fabrication lead times Barr & Barr has recommended that the   complete tabulation of the original bid and changes by trade.
              Structural Steel Bid Package be accelerated ahead of the 100%   Typically, the Barr & Barr project team meets with the owner
              Construction Documents.  Currently the structural steel bid   and the architect a week before submission of that month’s
              package is due 8/21/17.  We have also identifi ed the need to have   requisition to review all the required documentation—subcontractor
              the structural steel work completed before the Hotel project goes   requisitions, vendor invoices, material receipts, payroll records,
              higher than the VEEC project due to the potential impact of the   expense reports. We all get a clear picture of what is being billed
              controlled access requirements of the hotel project.   prior to formal submission of the requisition.

                                                                     Monthly fi nancial status reports
              Building Façade
              While developing the 100% DD Budget and Schedule Barr &   Line-by-line scrutiny. Th  rough these reports, prepared monthly
              Barr identifi ed the Façade as a potential schedule concern due   by the Project Executive, you are kept informed of construction
              to the amount of coordination and engineering that would be   costs and projections on a line-item basis, and you can see how
              required between the diff erent façade elements as well as the   each item aff ects the overall budget. We track the cost to date
              design details and coordination required for the exterior fi n system.    and anticipated fi nal cost for each trade, as well as for change
              Barr & Barr also identifi ed the requirement of a VMU and PMU   orders.
              potentially impacting both material procurement and fabrication.
              Barr & Barr also recommended that the entire Building Envelope   6. Methods to Address Project Issues
              be purchased from a single source subcontractor.  Th  e goal was   We are strong believers in keeping you informed through both
              to create a single source responsible for the coordination of the   meetings and project documentation, continually demonstrating
              entire façade.                                         to you that we are in control of the construction process.

                                                                     Weekly project meetings
              In mid-April Barr & Barr scheduled a meeting with Cornell, the
              Design Team and fi ve subcontractors qualifi ed and capable of taking   Review and coordinate. We meet with you and your architect
              on this project.  Based upon these meetings and confi rmation of   weekly - or as circumstances require - to discuss the progress
              shop drawing/engineering, material procurement, fabrication and   of your building. Th  e agenda: review the schedule, phasing,
              installation lead times the Building Façade became the critical   costs, any unusual circumstances, requests for information,
              path activity on the project schedule.  To insure the August 2019   supplemental instructions from the architect, shop drawings
              completion date Barr & Barr recommended that Cornell consider a
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