Page 25 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 25
How long do I do?
Beginners should attempt for 3 – 5 minutes per day. As this is made a part
of daily routine, the body develops an acceptability to it. In a month or
two, a sincere should be able to perform this five minutes in a single
stretch. Practice should be increased up to 10 – 15 minutes daily beyond
2-3 months. Patients with underlying problems besides infertility must
practice for a minimum of 15 minutes with precautions.
Difference between Bhastrika and Kapalbhati
We mention another breathing exercise called Bhastrika in the manual
later but it is relevant to mention here the chief distinguishing feature
between Kapalbhati and Bhastrika. In Bhastrika, the in breath and out
breath are performed with equal force, while in Kapalbhati attention is
given to the forceful exhalation alone.